WB&DTUC October 2009 Secretary’s Report
ANTI-BNP campaign Bilston East ward. As part of a national weekend of action, Searchlight supplied us with 4,500 free leaflets – we wrote the front-page, tailoring it to Bilston east ward where the Bnp have tried to call a public meeting there recently but pub refused, it also borders Princes End and there was NF activity there years ago – we’d not leafleted there before. It went well, despite a lower turnout of leafleters than for the euro-elections and we did the whole ward in a few days.
Cannock Chase by-election this month features a very unsavoury fascist standing for the Bnp so we have offered help 07932 797139 for details
If you’re disgusted by Nick Griffin and appalled by the BBC’s decision to host him on Question Time, Thursday 22 October. To object: – BBC Complaints PO Box 1922, Glasgow G2 3WT 03700 100 222 www.tinyurl.com/bbccomplaints
Protests in support of Ekta, the elderly Asian day centre.
Tories & Liberals threaten massive cuts in order to set a zero council tax increase.
In an unprecedented step, Labour councillors and the public walked out the next Scrutiny Board meeting as the Tories & Lib Dems voted through a stifling of democracy by voting to by-pass the Scrutiny Panels. Contact UNISON 554095 for details of future protests.
Stop the War Coalition public meeting Afghanistan – Bring the Troops Home
Tuesday 13 October 7.30pm, Palfrey Community Centre, Milton Street, Walsall WS1 4LA speaker: Andrew Murray – Chair National Stop the War
LONDON Saturday 24th October Troops out of Afghanistan national demo
Saturday 17th October 2009, 11am-2.30pm Decent Pay, Decent Pensions, Decent Public Services mass rally, Victoria Square, Birmingham supported by all main trade unions
Agenda item 5) Resolution (subject to ratification) from UNISON General:
“That the West Midlands County Association of Trades Union Councils be dissolved; since it represents a layer of bureaucracy which hampers the ability for its constituent trades union councils to participate in the national conference. We resolve to share information on activity and campaigns and participate in regional meetings of trade union councils to be called as necessary to assist united campaigning.”
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