October 2009

 Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council  


Delegate minutes:  15th October ’09

compiled from the Secretary’s notes; original notes unavailable at time of mailing


1.Present Sis: Ceresa, Kelsey, Taylor, Burth   Bro: Kelleher, Bostock, Cole, Turner, Childs, Deacon, Grant, Clarke, Marris. Introductions to delegates & visitors, new & old.

apologies Bro: Bechler, Brackenridge, Hardacre, Halfpenny, Grant

2. Minutes of September delegate meeting

 – corrections: Bro. Bostock sent apologies;

 matters arising; Workers Memorial Day consultation submitted.


3) Executive Committee Report & Correspondence

3.1.     WMCATUC – delegate vacancy, Secretary vacancy

3.2.     Birmingham TUC minutes – public rally Sat 17th October Defend Jobs, pensions & public services Victoria Square – banner to be taken

3.3.     WVSC AGM 21 Oct 7.15pm

3.4.     Hazards 2010 sponsorship appeal £20 agreed

3.5.     UNISON/UNITE sponsored Venezuelan Trade Union Leaders to Visit Britain in November – Opportunity for Meetings and Workplace Visits invited Nov 19 still to respond

3.6.     Invite to Cheryl Pidgeon TUC to speak  Nov 19th meeting; confirmed

3.7.     inquest into Mikey Powell’s death is to commence on 4th November at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall, who died in police custody in Handsworth, on 7th September 2003 – pass info to Bro.Marris

3.8.     The West Midlands Hazards Trust Public Seminar: Protecting Health and Safety in the Recession, Tuesday 13th October

3.9.     BACS receipt Leeds & Glastonbury festivals £2184

3.10.  CSC raffle tickets 7 of 10 sold @£14

3.11.  Bought helium valve £22.99 (UNISON bought cylinder for 250 balloons)

3.12.  Dudley TUC seeking help re WMDay – response given

3.13.  30 Oct TUC Pensioners meeting Derby pass to Bro.Deacon


3.14.  Abortion Rights re-affiliation £25

3.15.  B’ham Racial Attacks Monitoring Unit £20 donation

3.16.  Working Class Movement Library £50 donation

3.17.  response joining Sustainable Energy Partnership – lobby group



4) Reports:

a)  Secretary (written report circulated) – anti-Bnp campaign – report of Bilston E campaign. Agreed to leaflet Bushbury N on Searchlight weekend of action 8 Nov.

b) Treasurer reported highest funds for recent years

c)  West Midlands County Assoc. of TUCs report

d) Midlands TUC EC, no report – our delegates were at LP conference

e)  other delegates’ workplace reports

f)    Palestine Solidarity & Cuba Solidarity campaign reports


5) Resolution from UNISON General passed

 Dissolution of WMCATUC

  “That the West Midlands County Association of Trades Union Councils explore it’s own possible dissolution; since it represents a layer of bureaucracy which hampers the ability for its constituent trades union councils to participate in the national conference.  We resolve to share information on activity and campaigns and participate in regional meetings of trade union councils to be called as necessary to assist united campaigning.”

Send to CATUC.

Questions arising – could we send motions directly if there is no CATUC?

Are national arrangements needed for trades councils generally?


6)   Public Services discussion:

UNISON – campaign against council cuts – Ekta & Underhill update JULC meeting to be called.

CWU national postal strike update, bullying management, overworked and imposed terms & conditions – picket 22 Oct. Pat McFadden MP still spokesperson but Royal Mail responsibility passed to an unelected Lord.

POA – Keep prisons public update on B’ham & Featherstone prisons

7)    Any Other Business:

a)              WB&DTUC History digitised by secretary. Send to Bro.Cole who will look into its updating for 150th anniversary.

b)              TUC Development grant still not applied for – Sec to re-contact West Mids Asbestos Support Group to see if any progress on joint public meeting and film.

c)              Searchlight literature sold.

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