Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Secretary’s Report October 2012 sign up for emails on www.wolvestuc.org.uk
Midlands Choose Youth rally in Wolverhampton had around 100 people attended. Several union stalls; WB&DTUC & NUT ran a workshop on joining trade unions.
Almost 1,000 local people turned out for a We Are Walsall counter-protest against the EDL – a lively celebration of multicultural unity that overflowed into dancing in the empty streets of Walsall.
Separated by several steel barriers and well out of sight, a gang of 200 racists, who had come to Walsall from a far afield as Scotland, spent the day drinking in their designated pub and ended up fighting each other and throwing missiles at police – another nail in the EDL’s coffin.
Demo Against the Tories – TUC March for the Alternative, Birmingham attracted a broad range of unions and over 3,000 people.
For a Future That Works TUC demo Saturday 20th October
mass TUC march through central London & rally in Hyde Park.
We have 5 of our 40 train tickets left at time of printing
£15waged/£10 low waged/£5unwaged departs 8.45am
info@wolvestuc.org.uk or 07932 797139
The Midlands TUC Women’s Committee are holding an event Communities on the Breadline
On Saturday 10 November in WalsallWS11DA see www.wolvestuc.org.uk for details
Thursday 15th November 2012, in the Council Chamber
Paul Mackney,
(former Gen. Sec. NATFHE) Vice-Chair of Coalition of Resistance / Co-Chair of Greece Solidarity Campaign on the
Resistance to austerity in Greece (& Britain)
Police Commissioner Election is Thursday Nov 15th
Meet Peruvian trade unionist Fatima del Rosario Herrera Olea, aged 20, a young trade union activist and Women’s Secretary of SITAG-Peru on:
Tuesday 4th December 7pm, Room MC130 Millennium Building, Wolverhampton University, Stafford Street – all welcome
Our Xmas Party this year will be Saturday 8 December @ Quadrant Lounge, top of Lichfield Street. Contact us for publicity & tickets for your branch to sell £3 each
Re invite to Roger Lawrence to speak – due to unlikely progression of wholly owned company or joint venture, he asked that we invite him again in a few months when the council had clearer idea of options.
NB the wolves@blueyonder.co.uk email is no longer in use please use info@wolvestuc.org.uk thanks
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