This new People’s Assembly pamphlet is very useful in winning yet more people to an anti-austerity position, and convincing them that there is a real, practical and achievable alternative.
- Get involved in your local group join us on Facebook at Black Country Peoples Assembly
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/548106255224902/
People’s Assembly national site
False economy website
A damning report which suggests that Tory austerity policies are responsible for 120,000 extra deaths. One of the authors accused the Tories of “economic murder”. The report identified that mortality rates in the UK had declined steadily from 2001 to 2010, but this reversed sharply with the death rate growing again after austerity started. Read more about this story here
UNITE the Union ran free transport to the People’s Assembly National Demonstration Saturday 1st July
Build Bridges Not Walls! Wolves Stand Up To Trump!
12noon-1:30pm, Saturday 4th February 2017 Queen’s Square, Wolverhampton
Called by: Black Country Stand Up To Racism & University of Wolverhampton UNISON
Speakers Included:
Rob Marris MP, Wolverhampton South West
Habiba Amjad, President of UWSU
Khalid Akhtar, Chair of the Wolverhampton Council of Mosques
Alvine Dongmo-Noumey, Migrant Empowerment Group
Rev. Ray Gaston, Bishop of Wolverhampton’s Inter-Faith Advisor
Shabina Raja, Founder – Wolverhampton Ramadan Project
Kevin Ovenden, Stop the War Coalition Steering Committee (via Skype)
Mary Solomon, Humans of Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton is a proud multicultural city, we will not stand silently by when anyone seeks to divide us from our fellow citizens, whatever their race or religion. Donald Trump must not be granted a State Visit to the UK unless he rescinds his racist & Islamophobic travel ban.
We stand in solidarity with our Muslim sisters and brothers! BUILD BRIDGES NOT WALLS! SAY NO TO THE #MUSLIMBAN!
Sat 16th April 2016 in London W’ton coach went organised by UNITE the union
Just weeks after the general election, the People’s Assembly called a major national demonstration on Saturday 20 June to send a clear message to the new government.
This message is simple – we demand an alternative to austerity and to policies that only benefit those at the top.
Coaches went from Wolverhampton, Walsall, Dudley and Birmingham
People’s Question Time event Thursday 30th April 2015
Prof. Marina Prentoulis (SYRIZA)

Saturday 18 October 2014 – TUC National demonstration
Sunday 28 September 2014 – Demonstration outside the Tory party conference in Birmingham
Tens Of Thousands Rally Against Con-Dem Austerity Onslaught
People’s Assembly national demonstration
Saturday 21st June 2014 London helping to build support for national strikes on July 10th
Hands off our Unions
Thanks to the thousands of people who have already signed the ‘Hands off our Unions’ statement.
Click here to add your name to the statement
The People’s Assembly is launching a nationwide campaign around the ‘Hands off our Unions – defend the right to resist’ statement, starting with a rally in Central London in January and then rolling it out across the country.
No more Austerity demand the alternative: Saturday 21 June 2014 National demonstration and free festival Assemble BBC HQ March to Parliament This government remains addicted to austerity, forcing millions towards poverty. We demand the alternative.
Black Country Peoples Assembly – very successful launch @ Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton on Saturday 25th January 2014
with main speakers: Sam Fairbairn, Peoples Assembly national secretary; Cnllr Will Duckworth Dudley Green Party; Adrian Turner Wolverhampton UNISON branch secretary; Marie Taylor Wolverhampton & Bilston TUC President; Martin Lynch Dudley NUT Secretary; Cathy Baynton Dudley TUC President, Mike Wongsam UAF and Bob Williams-Findlay from Disabled People Against the Cuts.
Stephen Morrison-Burke, Birmingham Poet Laureate
and Tim Martin entertained
Around 100 people attended and joined sessions on:
- Break the Bedroom Tax led by Bridget Parsons & Sandra Kane (Birmingham Anti Bedroom Tax Campaign)
- Defending NHS with Diana Smith (Save Stafford Hospital) &Steve Lawton (38 degrees campaigner, Walsall)
- No Cuts to Public Transport – Cllr Richard Worrall (Love the BusPass) & Andrea Stanton (Walsall Pensioners Convention)
- Youth Action led by Marie Taylor (Sec Black Country CYWU)
- Collective Gardening with Elliot Lord + Rachel Arnold
- Countering the far right – Mike Wongsam (Chair, West Mids Unite Against Fascism)
- Fighting local services cuts – Phil Vanes (New Bradley Hall Action Campaign, Dudley)
Black Country People’s Assembly (from the national statement adopted by 4,000 delegates):
We do not seek to replace any organisations fighting cuts. All are necessary.
But we do believe that a single united national movement is required to challenge more effectively a nationally led government austerity programme.
We do not accept that government’s austerity programme is necessary.
The banks and the major corporations should be taxed at a rate which can provide the necessary resources.
Austerity does not work: it is a failure in its own terms resulting in neither deficit reduction nor growth.
It is not just: the government takes money from the pockets of those who did not cause the crisis and rewards those who did.
It is immoral: our children face a bleaker future if our services and living standards are devastated.
It is undemocratic: at the last election a majority voted against the return of a Tory government. The Con-Dem coalition has delivered us into the grip of the Tories whose political project is the destruction of a universal welfare state.
We therefore choose to resist. We will concentrate on action not words.
The People’s Assembly will support every genuine movement and action taken against any and all of the cuts. We support all current industrial actions by the unions.
facebook: Birmingham People’s Assembly https://www.facebook.com/groups/168838153287776/?fref=ts
Tony Benn “The People’s Assembly has a plain and simple goal: to make government abandon its austerity programme and if it will not, to replace it with one that will.”
The Assembly agreed and asked supporters to organise broad based local People’s Assemblies to develop work against cuts and privatisation; to help get the best possible turnout for the Demonstration in Defence of the NHS on 29th September at the Tory Party Conference in Manchester and mass civil disobedience on 5 November. At the TUC, congress unanimously passed support for the Peoples Assembly action.
Local People’s Assemblies need to reflect the communities they seek to represent.
That means pulling together a broad coalition of all those who will stand together against austerity.
The People’s Assembly needs your help
The late and great Tony Benn launched a financial appeal for the national People’s Assembly
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