3 coaches went from Wolverhampton and joined over 50,000 demonstrating through the centre of Manchester at the Tory conference.
Demo reports:
Tens of thousands besiege Tory conference in defence of NHS http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a-da2c-Tens-of-thousands-besiege-Tory-conference-in-defence-of-NHS#.Uki5UNK-pIw
Conservatives get a taste of people power http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a-b048-Conservatives-get-a-taste-of-people-power#.Uki7rtK-pIw
Save Our NHS demo – a fantastic day with over 50 thousand people marching through Manchester, to deliver a clear message to delegates at the Conservative Party conference that we mean to save our NHS.
The TUC has launched the NHS Campaigners’ Guide to download a copy and help us continue to fight for our NHS, defend jobs and public services and say no to austerity.
Finally, we really hope you enjoyed the day and don’t forget to visit the Save Our NHS demo blog to see photos and messages from the event.
The fight is not over yet. We need to keep the ‘Save our NHS’ message alive by:
- exposing the cuts and privatisation that threaten to break up the NHS
- campaigning for patient safety and safe staffing levels
- campaigning against NHS money going into private profits
- lobbying for transparency and openness from all providers.
The TUC organised a major demonstration on 29 September in Manchester, where this year’s Tory Party Conference took place, to protest at the government’s attack on working people and their families, in defence of the welfare state and to let everyone know there is an alternative.
Britain’s unions are the backbone of Britain’s anti-austerity movement; the only group that can build a mass political movement for change. And one of the key groups for implementing that campaign in the local community, reflecting local needs and concerns but as part of the national picture, are the trades union councils.
Backed by TUC, People’s Assembly, UNITE, UNISON, GMB and all major unions.
Wolves transport Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/161394777379567/
Black Country Peoples’s Assembly Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/groups/548106255224902/
PDF Downloads:
- Save our NHS A4 poster – http://tinyurl.com/pw3pflf
- Save our NHS A5 flyer – http://tinyurl.com/neefyar
- Save our NHS and Pride A5 flyer – http://tinyurl.com/oymmelw
Get involved:
- Sign up to support the march and rally / http://tinyurl.com/ohjempf
- Join the march and Rally on Facebook / http://tinyurl.com/ptvcb3p
- Follow on Twitter at @NHS299
More details:
http://falseeconomy.org.uk/nhs299 www.unitetheunion.org/saveournhs
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