June 2013

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC   Secretary’s Report JUNE 2013

                     info@wolvestuc.org.uk                                   www.wolvestuc.org.uk


Midlands TUC invites FULL-TIME OFFICERS AND SENIOR CONVENORS  to an essential briefing on young workers and their employment rights: Friday 21 June  10am to 1pm, lunch @noon.

— Current legal and contractual rights affecting young workers
— Health & Safety and protection at work issues
— Organising opportunities and strategies for young workers

MAPLE HOUSE , Corporation Street, Birmingham B4 6TB  contact Mick Brightman on 07900 910329

personal appeal to the labour movement from Ricky Tomlinson: to ask you to sign my Downing Street e-petition. The link is: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/35394 The deadline for signatures is 27 June 2013 so please sign right away, 66,000 signatures needed.

Tolpuddle Martyr`s festival Friday 19th July to Sunday 21st July

Sunday 28th July PRIDE parade 1pm Market Sq Wolverhampton

www.wbcpride.co.uk  tickets 01902 425092, sponsors include UNISON


History of Wolverhampton, Bilston and District Trades Union Council 1865-1990

now online       www.wolvestuc.org.uk/wbdtuc1865-1990

Stalls were successfully run by us gaining several hundred signatures in Wednesfield and Wolverhampton for the Children’s Centres campaign and Youth Services campaign alongside UNISON, CYW-UNITE and local campaigners.

We have teams of volunteers working at Glastonbury and Latitude festival raising money for us this summer.

Details of Mary Macarthur Trust enclosed – they accept trade unionists


TUC Chainmakers’ festival had a much bigger turnout and was a very successful day. Our stall raised us £25


branches affiliated for 2013: 

ASLEF, Community 17000, Community (W’ton Craft), Community Hall Palm, Community (West Midlands), CWU (W’ton),  FBU, GMBx13, NASUWT, NUT, PCS(West Mercia),  POA, Prospect,  RMT, UCATT, UCU College, UCU University, UNISON Acute,  UNISON General, UNISON Police Staff, UNISON University.

15 female delegates, 32 male. 13,500 affiliated trade unionists from 21 branches;

last year 28 branches affiliated 18,000 trade unionists with 38 male and 18 female delegates.

1st May, festival. Total cost £1,200 this year; £275 still to raise

donations from trade union branches needed to cover this – please raise at your branch, thank you.   This has been a free community event for 19 years.

TUC courses will be delivered at: Bilston Campus, Wellington Road, Wolverhampton WV14 6BT

sign up now…..  mikee@shrewsbury.ac.uk   Tel: 01743 342531


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