September 2003

WB&DTUC Minutes of Delegate Meeting
Thursday 18 SEPTEMBER 2003

Sis. M Taylor (Chair)

Bros. D Joynson, N Kelleher, R Tinsley, R Deacon. P Goalby, D Ash, S Evans, J Grant. Sis. M Taylor, K Clarke, S Sagoo, H Aujla (observor)..

1. Welcome to New Delegates & Apologies
Bros D Cole, D Turner MP, T Tonks, K Purchase MP, G Dodd, B Piper, R Marris MP, W Juss K Farmer, S Murphy MEP.

2. Minutes of July delegate meeting Matters Arising.
Agreed a true and accurate record
Secretary has completed all tasks.

3. Executive report (11-9-03) & Further Correspondence
3.2) Searchlight Campaign. Bro. Kelleher already nominated by UNISON.
3.3) Love Music – Hate Racism Festival was well organised, attended by Bro. Kelleher who gave a verbal report. It was agreed to put the issues of campaigning against local BNP candidates and the Holocaust Memorial Day on the October Agenda.
3.4) WM Cooks. Verbal report by Bro. Evans.
3.5) Columbian Tuists, Secretary to contact Bro. K Purchase.

4. Reports:
a) Secretary, written report provided.
b) Treasurer. No Report.
c) Palestine group. Verbal report given by Bro. Deacon. No August Meeting.
d) Stop the War group. Next meeting 29th September.
e) WM CATUC. Verbal report by Sis. M Taylor
f) OTUC LGBT conference report. Verbal report given by Bro. Deacon.
g) FBU. Vebal report by Bro. Goalby. Thanked TC for support during recent dispute.
LandRover. Verbal report by Bro. Evans.
h) T.U. Congress. Report to be taken at next meeting.
5. Resolutions.

6. Speaker:

7. A.O.B.
Meeting closed.

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