July 2003

WB&DTUC Minutes of Delegate Meeting Thursday 17th July 2003

Sis. M Taylor (Chair)

Bros. D Joynson, N Kelleher, K Farmer, R Deacon. R Marris MP, Sis. M Taylor.

1. Apologies: Bros D Ash, D Cole, D Turner MP, J Grant, K Purchase MP, Sis. S Sagoo, J Pearce, H Aujla.

2. Minutes of June delegate meeting Matters Arising.
Agreed a true and accurate record

3. Executive report (10-7-03) & Further Correspondence
3.2. W.C. Council, City Centre Action Planning Event. Bro. Deacon may attend.
3.3. Calderdale TUC re: Iraqi TU rights, Secretary to Contact M Sourani
3.4. Searchlight re: Fighting Fund £25 agreed.
3.9. Banner Theatre re: Migrant Voices details to CATUC, UNISON & Bro. Deacon (Heath Town Day event).
3.11. Left-Click £100 agreed.
3.15. Triodos Bank, details to Bro. Deacon.

1. F.O. letter, copy to Dave Auger.
7. Unity Campaign. Bro. Deacon attended and gave a verbal report. Meeting proposed and agreed for September.

4. Reports:
a) Secretary, written report provided.
b) Treasurer. Apologies.
c) Palestine group. Garden Party raised £279. Agreed £70 for merchandise. Meeting September 4th 7.30pm 138 Leicester St.
d) Stop the War group.
e) Beacon Industries.
f) Other Workplace report.

5. Resolutions – None.

6. Speaker:
TUCC – Report Back by Bro. N Kelleher.

Agreed to invite speaker from Western Sahara for September Meeting.

7. A.O.B.

Sis. D Heath failed to be elected TUCJCC. Secretary to write to Bro. J Cessford for regular reports.


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