September 2004

WB&D TUC Delegate Meeting MINUTES Thursday 16th Septemer 04

Attendance: Brothers: J Grant, K Purchase, N Kelleher, D Cole, B Deacon, C Stoll, A Owolade Sister: M Taylor, A Bright
1. Welcome to new delegates/visitors & Apologies: Brothers: G Baynham, S Evans, W Juss, R Marris, D Turner, K Farmer, D Ash, Sis. S Sagoo

2. Minutes of July delegate meeting agreed correct, matters arising:
2.3.21 PSC model letter for MEPs partially redrafted before writing TO NEW MEPs. Bro.Deacon to check it.
2.3.1 Bro. Deacon LGBT conference report – expenses paid
2.6 The future of council housing in Wolverhampton. Defend Council Housing newspapers to be purchased for distribution to branches. WB&D TUC will assist with any local trade union campaigns organised to defend council housing. 6 Nov Council putting pullout in Ex & Star. UNISON has started being invited to tenants’ groups. Report at next delegate meeting.

3. Executive Committee Report 9-10-04, matters arising:
3.1) Wm. Cook week 172 newsletter – put on website – AGM invite?
3.2) Bridgewater TUC – copy of letter To CWU Gen. Sec requesting affiliations to us. – Secretary to write
3.3) Coventry TUC Cuba day Sat 18 Sept – put on website
3.4) Sunderland TUC re civil service low pay campaign – written letter to MPs – copy to be sent to Bro. Hart CATUC
3.5) Midlands TUC Sexual orientation/belief Regs 2003 seminars 18th B’ham & 25th Sept Nottingham – free
3.6) TUC Transgender equality advice notes – link or copy to website
3.8) ACTSA AGM Sat 6 Nov, London
3.11) Euro safety week 18-24 October
3.12) United Campaign to Repeal anti TU laws – national rally Sat 13 Nov 04, Conway Hall, London – put on website
3.13) Unite Against Fascism offer of literature and request for donation.
3.14) CSC Unions for Cuba conference London 6th Nov – Bro. Cole will report to November delegate meeting
3.16) B’ham Unite Against Fascism rally with Billy Hayes Gen. Sec. CWU , 7.30pm Wed 6th Oct Carrs Lane Church centre B’ham – put on website
3.19) Midlands TUC LGTB network report 22-7-04 – Bro.Deacon
3.20) – website launch and seeking support.
3.23) Midlands TUC – re Christine Wood retirement – new regional Sec Roger McKenzie 1st October – send welcome letter and future invite
3.27) W’ton Cuba Solidarity Quiz Sat 2 October 7.30pm Newhampton
3.28) Appeal from sacked Wembley workers was received the day after dispute was won. Letter did not come from any TU though.

4. Reports:
a) Secretary – written report circulated. Details of Kamaljit Singh’s illness was reported. He is in QE hospital. Card to be sent.
b) Treasurer – no report
c) workplace reports – Landrover – Bro.Evans sent apologies
CYWU pay campaign – 1st national strike – Oct 1st ruling expected from ACAS
d) Palestine group – next meeting Mon 20th Sept. Alliance & Leicester has unexpectedly closed the national PSC bank account. Has changed to Co-op. Bro. Purchase to write to treasury. AGREED £25 donation to help cover expenses.
e) European Social Forum – garden party had been held but no outcomes had been communicated to Secretary.
f) corporate killing law is no.1 priority for TU Group of Labour MPs

5. Resolutions- UNISON General – Venezuela Solidarity Agreed, send to CATUC
WBDTUC recognises that a social revolution is happening in Venezuela. Since the election of Chavez in 1998, as head of the popular coalition of political parties and community groups, massive social progress has been made.

WBDTUC further recognises:

1) The government has faced an illegal coup, condemned by the world except America that was overthrown after 2 days, by massive popular uprising.
2) Massive oil and economic sabotage by the opposition billionaire media and business owners costing $10 billions.
3) Massive media lies and distortions including forgery. The daily paper Tal Cual printed a front-page photo-shopped image of him waving a revolver around, under the headline, “A Nation at Gunpoint.” In the original picture, Chavez was, in fact, holding a rose.
4) Massive Racism in media, including called everything from a “monkey” (due to his mixed race).
5) Fascist terrorists have been brought in by elements of the opposition to attempt a military takeover and impose fascism.

However, despite these illegal and undemocratic attacks, WBDTUC, applauds the progressive developments which include:

1) The govt. Employing 10,000’s of both Cuban and Venezuelan doctors to provide free health care for the poorest 80%, for the first time ever.
2) Workers establishing fully democratic and independent trade unions, under the UNT, who have expressed support for the Constitution.
3) Started a massive house-building project aimed at ridding the existence of the slums that millions live in.
4) Eliminated illiteracy
5) Outlawed all discrimination
6) Massive investments in developing universal free health and education.
7) Redistributed land

In addition, the overwhelming ratification of his Presidency in a 2004 referendum, demonstrates the massive support for the reforms.

This TUC therefore resolves to:

1) Express its solidarity to the trade unionists of the UNT.
2) Support the Venezuelan people in their effort to extend social and economic freedom
3) Support and promote Solidarity campaigns within Britain that support the popular reforms.
4) Encourage solidarity activities to be co-ordinated via the newly established Venezuela Solidarity Campaign at


6.Speakers: Antonia Bright (Movement For Justice and Alex Owolade, sacked Lambeth UNISON steward on SUCCESSFUL LOCAL CAMPAIGNING. Details of 20 Nov demo to be circulated. Expenses paid & £25 donation

7. Any Other Business – CSC seeking help at Lighthouse for stalls during showings of Che Motorcycle diaries


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