September 2006

September 2006 Secretary’s Report WB&DTUC
For all the latest info on local labour movement events, visit
TU branches affiliated for 2006, (12,800 affiliated trade unionists):
Amicus-GPM, Amicus 3120M (Craft), Amicus 0758, ASLEF, ASPECT, Community(Hall Palm), CWU(W.Mids & Worcs), CYWU, FBU, GMB X13, NASUWT, NATFHE (University), NUT, TGWU 5/748, TGWU 5/836, TSSA, UNISON General, UNISON PCT

Chainmakers’ Festival Sat 16th Sept Black Country Museum. Speakers 1.45pm procession 2.30pm bring union banners. Tickets direct from Museum 0121 521 5690 special discount price £6 or £3 on the gate, book in advance to ensure speedy entrance to the site through the ticket holders gate.

Save our Homes! Lobby Wolverhampton councillors
The Council meets Wednesday 20th September
Come and show your opposition to the closure of elderly people`s homes
Meet at 5-15pm Civic Centre, outside the council chamber 4th floor – contact UNISON 554096

Manchester TIME TO GO demonstration on Sat. 23 September, the eve of the Labour Party conference, is an enormous protest against all the Bush/Blair wars. The significance of the demonstration in Manchester has increased yet again, with Tony Blair’s war policies and servitude to George Bush at last creating turmoil in the Labour Party.
10:00 am Faulkland Street Coach Park £12 full wage/ £8 concs.

Cuba Solidarity: The MIAMI FIVE, unjustly imprisoned by GEORGE BUSH’S STATE MACHINE speakers: GEOFF BOTTOMS, UK co-ordinator of the campaign to free the five, STEVE COTTINGHAM

The 2006 RMT Annual General Meeting called on the union to organise a national shop-stewards conference, open to all trade unionists, with one of its focuses being to build support for the campaign for a Trade Union Freedom Bill.. Conference is by registration,

3 Trade union Courses have been booked to take place at City of Wolverhampton College, Community Room, 1st Floor, Wellington Rd Campus. Bilston, Wolverhampton, WV14 6BT. Use of adjoining Computer Suite & Learning centre, as required. WEA tutors via Regional TUC:
Stewards Stage 1 (10 Tuesdays from Tue 3 October 06)
Health & Safety Stage 1 (10 Wednesdays from Wed 4 October 06)
Union Learning Reps (5 Fridays from Fri 6 October 06)
They need between 12 and 18 people to make the courses viable. We need places on these courses to be filled. We’ve got the course back in Wolverhampton. Use them or lose them!
TO BOOK: WEA Office, 78-80 Sherlock Street, Birmingham, B5 6LT. Tel: 0121 666 6101

Amicus and the T&G want Peugeot to keep Ryton open on the basis of the survival plan developed by the unions – or they will be calling on people and companies looking to buy cars to penalise the company for putting still-greater profits before their loyal British workforce.
The unions are also campaigning for the strengthening of UK labour laws to stop workers here being more vulnerable to redundancy than those on the continent because they have stronger employment protection.

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