Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
MINUTES of DELEGATE MEETING of Thursday 18th September 2008
1. ATTENDANCE – Sister:Taylor (CYWU /UNITE) Brothers: Brackenridge (FBU), Baynham (Unite), Juss(GMB), Grant (UCU), Kelleher (UNISON), Clarke (POA), Marriot (UNISON), Deacon (UNISON), Jones (CWU)
Delegates and the visiting speaker were welcomed and introduced themselves. Apologies were received from Bros. Farmer (UNISON),Goodall (UNISON Health), Muir (CYWU UNITE), Bostock (POA), Cole (NUT),Childs (CWU), Marriot (UNISON), Marris (UNITE), Hardacre(Aspect), Ash (UNISON)
Sis: Halfpenny (NUT), Ceresa (UNISON), Petford (AMICUS/UNITE), Kelsey (CWU)
Matters Arising: 2) POA unable to scan our TUC History. Bro.Brackenridge has 50 books.
3a) Secretary still to write re national travel pass to MPs
4a) £50 donation to Notts TUC for anti bnp Codnor festival
7) £50 donation & expenses to Nuclear Information Service to be sent
3. Correspondence
a. TUC report of survey of trades union councils’ action supporting migrant workers
b. Trades Union Councils Programme of Work 2008-9
c. TUC Women’s’ Workshops on assertiveness & taking part in conferences, Saturdays: 29 Sept, 18 Oct, 29 Nov lpower@tuc.org.uk
d. TUC nomination form for Vice-Chair Midlands TUC – Sis Kelsey CWU nominated
e. Midlands TUC 10 Chainmakers tickets – all distributed plus another 10 received from UNISON. Delegates attended and distributed several hundred Join a Union postcards as previously agreed. Emphasising that unions are here and relevant now and not a historical oddity. Some of the museum workers dressed as Chainmakers were not trade unionists! All enjoyed. PCS and Dudley TUC links made.
f. TUC Education courses Sept 08 – June 09, details put on our website and latest course details circulated
g. TUC Directory of Trades Union Councils – Secretary has written to CATUC re unregistered local TUCs
h. Dudley NUT – letter re re-establishment of Dudley TUC – invited them to next CATUC
i. Anti-Academies Alliance campaign info
j. EDM 1604 anti-union laws postcard to MPs – 100 ordered. Offer of speakers, May Day 09?
k. 1st October 18th International Older Persons Day 10.30-5pm Coventry, petition for winter fuel allowance. Bro. Brackenridge raised possibility of establishing a BPTUAA branch locally as NPC branch was ineffective. Could organise within local trade union branch retired sections UNISON, CWU, 22 October Pensions lobby etc
l. Searchlight – result of recent consultation. Details of weekend school
m. Banner Theatre – We Share the Same Sky, new show from Feb 2009
n. CSC activities around 10th anniversary of imprisonment of Miami 5, & petition.
o. Birmingham TUC minutes
p. CND Aldermaston blockade 27th October
q. Campaign for LP Democracy mailing – passed to Bro.Childs
r. Nov 25th Day Against Domestic Violence – football ground balloon launch, volunteers needed
s. TUC/Amnesty meeting 11 October
Dudley UKIP response to request for Trade Unions Against EU booklets
Unionlearn mailing list response
PSC, VSC, CSC info re International Week 1-10 Dec ‘08
a) Secretary’s report – written report circulated. Bo.Brackenridge to invite FBU re Save Sedgley Fire Station.
b) Treasurer – Funds stable and raised £1560 from Leeds festival volunteers.
c) Delegates’ Workplace reports:
d) UNISON Pay Campaign – 21 Sept Manchester LP conference demo coach booked. 300 job cuts in council announced.
e) CYWU UNITE – big majority in support of action on pay claim.
f) Anti BNP campaign – Report on anti-bnp Codnor demo by Bro. Kelleher & Deacon. Lack of co-ordination between local organisers and UAF. Locals had been abusive after village exit was blocked for an hour.
Discussion of by-elections in Wednesfield N & S. Planning meeting for anti-bnp campaign Tues 23 Sept. agreed. LP members welcomed our forthcoming campaign
5. Speaker: Sis.Taylor spoke on Trades Union Congress (written report to follow) highlighting Motion 87 which was moved by RMT and gives trades union councils the same right to put motions and attend as at Wales TUC conference. So we will participate in future not just observe.
6. AOB – none
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