September 07

Secretary’s Report September 2007
Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC

Welcome to UNISON Health which affiliated this summer. 21 TU branches affiliated for 2007 (18,500 trade unionists), our largest affiliation for 7 years:
Amicus 0558, Amicus 3210M, ASLEF, ASPECT, ATL, Community(Hall Palm), CWU (Wolverhampton), CWU (W.Mids & Worcs), CYWU-TGWU, FBU, GMB X13, NASUWT, NUT, TGWU 5/748, TGWU 5/836, TGWU 5/998, UCU City College, UCU University, UNISON General, UNISON Health, UNISON PCT, UNISON University

£1150 was raised by our volunteers at Leeds festival. this year we have doubled our TU affiliation income by these festivals – we always need new volunteers.

Activity dates for your diaries and to publicise in your branches:

If you would like to help stop the BNP, please come and help with leafleting.
(for transport from the Black Country please ring 07941 834125)
Worcester, St Clement Ward Sunday 16th September, 2:30 p.m. at the rear entrance of Worcester University, Hylton Rd, Worcester.
Nuneaton and Bedworth, Abbey Ward Sunday 16th September, 11:00 a.m., in the car park of Nuneaton railway station.
Birmingham, Brandwood Ward Tuesday 18th September, 7:00 p.m. at the junction of Brandwood Rd/Brandwood Park Rd,

Sunday 23rd SEPTEMBER – demonstration at Labour Party conference – Unite-Amicus coach leaving West Brom early morning for Bournemouth, free, likely to be places for other TUists if quick. CONTACT Secretary IMMEDIATELY TO BOOK PLACE – DON’T WAIT AS NUMBERS NEEDED EARLY.

Faslane 365, Big Blockade – local overnight CND transport (30 Sept ret. 1st Oct) to demo to commemorate a year’s blockade of the nuclear submarine base 0845 458 8365

TUC shop stewards courses Stage 1, ten Tuesdays from 2 October, H&S Stage 1, ten Tuesdays from 3 October, City of Wolverhampton College, Wellington Road 0121 666 6101

STOP THE WAR – Demonstrate Monday 8 October, Central London the day Parliament reassembles contact Secretary for local coach details or check for latest info

Sat 20th October Latin America conference 9.45am-5pm Midlands Arts Centre, B’ham open but organised by UNISON details 07931 316743

Sat 3rd November, National NHS demo London, UNISON coach being booked contact Secretary or ring UNISON 554095 to enquire re places

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