18. Hallelujah I’m a Bum (by Harry McClintock, the song of the Wobblies)
Oh why don’t you work like other men do
How the hell can I work when there is no work to do
Hallelujah I’m a bum
Hallelujah bum again
Hallelujah I’m a bum
Hallelujah bum again
Hallelujah give us a hand-out
To revive us again
To revive us again
I went to a house, I knocked on the door
The lady says scram bum, you’ve been here before
I went to a house, I asked for some bread
The lady came out, said the baker was dead
Oh I love my boss, he’s a good friend of mine
The lady says scram bum, you’ve been here before
I went to a house, I asked for some bread
The lady came out, said the baker was dead
Oh I love my boss, he’s a good friend of mine
That’s why I’m starving out on the breadline
Oh why don’t you save the money you earn
Oh why don’t you save the money you earn
If I didn’t eat I’d have money to burn
Oh I love my boss, he’s a good friend of mine
Oh I love my boss, he’s a good friend of mine
I love him, I love him, the dirty old swine
19. We Shall Not Be Moved
The union is a marching, we shall not be moved
We’re fighting for our children, we shall not be moved
Just like a tree
That’s planted by the waterside
The union is a marching, we shall not be moved
We’re fighting for our children, we shall not be moved
Just like a tree
That’s planted by the waterside
We shall not be moved
We’re fighting for our freedom, we shall not be moved
The union is behind us, we shall not be moved
Just like a tree
That’s planted by the watersideWe shall not be moved
The union is behind us, we shall not be moved
Just like a tree
That’s planted by the watersideWe shall not be moved
20. Dump the Bosses off Your Back
Are you poor, forlorn and hungry, are there lots of things you lack
Is your life made up of mis’ry, then dump the bosses off your back
Are your clothes all patched and tattered, are you living in a shack
Would you have your troubles scattered, then dump the bosses off your back
Are you poor, forlorn and hungry, are there lots of things you lack
Is your life made up of mis’ry, then dump the bosses off your back
Are your clothes all patched and tattered, are you living in a shack
Would you have your troubles scattered, then dump the bosses off your back
Are you almost split asunder, loaded like a long-eared jack
Boob, why don’t you buck like thunder and dump the bosses off your back
All the agonies you suffer, you can end with one good whack
Stiffen up, your ornery duffer, and dump the bosses off your back
21. On the Picket Line
We win our strike and all our demands
Come and picket on the picket line
We win our strike and all our demands
Come and picket on the picket line
In one strong union we’ll join our hands
Come and picket on the picket line
On the line, on the line, on the picket line
On the line, on the line, on the picket line
The dirty little scab, we’ll use him like a rag
Come and picket on the picket line
If you’ve never spent a night in jail
Come and picket on the picket line
You will be invited without fail
Come and picket on the picket line
Come and picket on the picket line
If you don’t like scabs or thugs or stools
If you don’t like scabs or thugs or stools
Come and picket on the picket line
For you show the boss the worker rules
When you picket on the picket line
22. Joe Hill (by Alfred Hayes)
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night
Alive as you or me
Says I but Joe, you’re ten years dead
I never died said he, I never died said he
In Salt Lake Joe, by god says I
In Salt Lake Joe, by god says I
Him standing by my bed
They framed you on a murder charge
Says Joe, but I ain’t dead, says Joe, but I ain’t dead
The copper bosses killed you Joe
They shot you Joe, says I
Takes more than guns to kill a man
Says Joe, I didn’t die, says Joe, I didn’t die
And standing there as big as life
And smiling with his eyes
Joe says what they forgot to kill
Went on to organise, went on to organise
Joe Hill ain’t dead, he says to me
Joe Hill ain’t never died
Where working men are out on strike
Where working men are out on strike
Joe Hill is by their side, Joe Hill is by their side
From San Diego up to Maine
In every mine and mill
Where workers strike and organise
Says he, you’ll find Joe Hill, he says you’ll find Joe Hill
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night
Alive as you or me
Says I but Joe, you’re ten years dead
I never died said he, I never died said he (repeated softly)
23. Casey Jones (by Joe Hill)
The workers on the SP line to strike sent out a call
But Casey Jones the engineer, he wouldn’t strike at all
His boilers they were leaking and his drivers on the bum
The workers on the SP line to strike sent out a call
But Casey Jones the engineer, he wouldn’t strike at all
His boilers they were leaking and his drivers on the bum
And his engine and its bearings they were all out of plumb
Casey Jones kept his junk pile running
Casey Jones was working double time
Casey Jones got a wooden medal
For being good and faithful on the SP line
The workers said to Casey, won’t you help us win this strike
But Casey said let me alone, you’d better take a hike
Then someone put a bunch of railroad ties across the track
Then someone put a bunch of railroad ties across the track
And Casey hit the river with an awful crack
Casey Jones hit the river bottom
Casey Jones broke his blooming spine
Casey Jones was an Angelino
He took a trip to heaven on the SP line
When Casey Jones got up to heaven to the pearly gate
He said, I’m Casey Jones, the guy that pulled the SP freight
You’re just the man said Peter, our musicians are on strike
You can get a job a-scabbing anytime you like
Casey Jones got a job in heaven
Casey Jones was doing mighty fine
Casey Jones went scabbing on the angels
Just like he did to the workers on the SP line
The angels got together and they said it wasn’t fair
For Casey Jones to go around a-scabbing everywhere
For Casey Jones to go around a-scabbing everywhere
The Angels Union No.23, they sure were there
And they promptly fired Casey down the golden stair
Casey Jones went to hell a-flying
Casey Jones, the devil said oh fine
Casey Jones, get busy shovelling sulphur
Casey Jones, get busy shovelling sulphur
That’s what you get for scabbing on the SP line
24. Sit Down
When they tie the can to the union man, sit down sit down
When they give him the sack
When they tie the can to the union man, sit down sit down
When they give him the sack
They’ll take him back, sit down sit down
Sit down, just take a seat, sit down and rest your feet
Sit down, just take a seat, sit down and rest your feet
Sit down, you got ‘em beat, sit down sit down
When they smile and say no raise in pay, sit down sit down
When you want the boss to come across, sit down sit down
When the speed comes up, just twiddle your thumbs, sit down sit down
When you want ‘em to know, they’d better go slow, sit down sit down
When the boss won’t talk, don’t take a walk, sit down sit down
When the boss sees that, he’ll want a little chat, sit down sit down
When you want the boss to come across, sit down sit down
When the speed comes up, just twiddle your thumbs, sit down sit down
When you want ‘em to know, they’d better go slow, sit down sit down
When the boss won’t talk, don’t take a walk, sit down sit down
When the boss sees that, he’ll want a little chat, sit down sit down
25. What Did You Learn in School Today (by Tom Paxton)
What did you learn in school today
What did you learn in school today
Dear little boy of mine
Dear little boy of mine
I learned that Washington never told a lie
I learned that soldiers seldom die
I learned that everybody is free
I learned that everybody is free
That’s what the teacher said to me
And that’s what I learned in school today
And that’s what I learned in school today
Today that’s what I learned in school
I learned that policemen are my friends
I learned that policemen are my friends
I learned that justice never ends
I learned that murderers die for their crimes
Even if we make a mistake sometimes
And that’s what I learned in school today
Even if we make a mistake sometimes
And that’s what I learned in school today
Today that’s what I learned in school
I learned that war is not so bad
I learned of the great ones we had had
I learned that war is not so bad
I learned of the great ones we had had
We fought in Germany and in France
And someday I might get my chance
And that’s what I learned in school today
Today that’s what I learned in school
I leant our government must be strong
I leant our government must be strong
Its always right and never wrong
Our leaders are the finest men
We elect them again and again
We elect them again and again
And that’s what I learned in school today
Today that’s what I learned in school
26. Pie in the Sky (by Joe Hill)
Long-haired preachers come out ev’ry night
Long-haired preachers come out ev’ry night
Try to tell you what’s wrong and what’s right
But when asked how ‘bout something to eat
They will answer in voices so sweet
They will eat, by and by, in the glorious land above the sky
They will eat, by and by, in the glorious land above the sky
Work and pray, live on hay, you’ll get pie in the sky when you die
(It’s a lie!)
(It’s a lie!)
On the starvation army they play
And they sing, and the dance, and they pray
Till they get all you money on the drum
Then they’ll tell you when you’re on the bum
Holy rollers and jumpers come out
Holy rollers and jumpers come out
And they holler, and they jump, and they shout
Give you’re money to Jesus, they’ll say
He will cure all the diseases today[Chorus]
If you fight hard for children and wife
If you fight hard for children and wife
Try to get something good in this life
You’re a sinner and a bad man, they tell
When you die you will sure go to hell[Chorus]
Working men of all countries unite
Working men of all countries unite
Side by side, we for freedom will fight
When the world and its wealth we have gained
To the grafter we’ll sing this refrain[Last chorus]
You will eat-by and by; when you’ve learned how to cook and to fry
You will eat-by and by; when you’ve learned how to cook and to fry
And you’ll eat in the sweet by and by
27. Deroitium
There was a rich man and he lived in detroitium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum
There was a rich man and he lived in detroitium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum
And all the workers he did exploitium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum
Heirojarum, heirojarum,
Skinamalinkidoodlium glory hallelujah heirojarum
Heirojarum, heirojarum,
Skinamalinkidoodlium glory hallelujah heirojarum
The poor man worked till he was nearly deadium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum
When he got home he fell right into bedium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum[Chorus]
He asked for a raise but the boss only saidium
He asked for a raise but the boss only saidium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum
Get out of here you lousy little radium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum[Chorus]
The poor man finally came to the conclusion
The poor man finally came to the conclusion
Glory hallelujah heirojarum
To get his raise he’d better join the union
Glory hallelujah heirojarum[Chorus]
He talked to the boss again but not alonium
He talked to the boss again but not alonium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum
They said don’t forget what the union did to Sloanium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum[Chorus]
The boss wouldn’t talk so they sat in the plantium
The boss wouldn’t talk so they sat in the plantium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum
All the boss could do was rave and rantium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum[Chorus]
The moral of this is that unions are no jokium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum[Chorus]
The moral of this is that unions are no jokium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum
A boss who gets smart with the union may go brokium
Glory hallelujah heirojarum[Chorus]
28. Union Buttons
(to the tune of We’ll be Coming Round the Mountains)
(to the tune of We’ll be Coming Round the Mountains)
We’ll be wearing union buttons while we work
We’ll be wearing union buttons while we work
We’ll be wearing union buttons, wearing union buttons
We’ll be wearing union buttons while we work
We’ll all be union members while we work
We’ll all be union members while we work
We’ll all be union members, all be union members
We’ll all be union members while we work
We’ll all be union members while we work
We’ll all be union members, all be union members
We’ll all be union members while we work
We’ll be building up the union while we work
We’ll be building up the union while we work
We’ll be building up the union, building up the union
We’ll be building up the union while we work
We’ll be getting living wages while we work
We’ll be getting living wages while we work
We’ll be getting living wages, getting living wages
We’ll be getting living wages while we work
We’ll all be reading Militant while we work
We’ll all be reading Militant while we work
We’ll all be reading Militant, all be reading Militant
We’ll all be reading Militant while we work
29. Scabs in the Factory
(to the tune of Skip to my Lou)
(to the tune of Skip to my Lou)
Scabs in the factory, that won’t do
Scabs in the factory, that won’t do
Scabs in the factory, that won’t do, skip to m’Lou my darling
Scabs in the factory, that won’t do
Scabs in the factory, that won’t do, skip to m’Lou my darling
Three cents a dozen, that won’t do
Three cents a dozen, that won’t do
Three cents a dozen, that won’t do
Three cents a dozen, that won’t do, skip to m’Lou my darling
Twelve hours a day, that won’t do
Twelve hours a day, that won’t do
Twelve hours a day, that won’t do, skip to m’Lou my darling
Twelve hours a day, that won’t do
Twelve hours a day, that won’t do, skip to m’Lou my darling
Bully bosses, that won’t do
Bully bosses, that won’t do
Bully bosses, that won’t do, skip to m’Lou my darling
Bully bosses, that won’t do
Bully bosses, that won’t do, skip to m’Lou my darling
30. We Pity Our Bosses Five (improvise)
We pity our bosses five
We pity our bosses five
We pity our bosses five
A thousand a week is all they get
How can they keep alive
O we pity our bosses son
We pity our bosses son
Fifty a week is all he gets
The lousy son of a gun
31. Union Maid (by Woody Guthrie)
There once was a union uaid
She never was afraid
If guards and ginks and company finks
There once was a union uaid
She never was afraid
If guards and ginks and company finks
Or deputy sheriffsThat made the raid
She went to the union hall
When a meeting it was called
She went to the union hall
When a meeting it was called
And when the legion boys come round
She always stood her ground
Oh you can’t scare me, I’m sticking by the union
Oh you can’t scare me, I’m sticking by the union
Sticking by the union, sticking by the union
Oh, you can’t scare me, I’m sticking by the union
Sticking to the Union till the day I die
Sticking to the Union till the day I die
She went to the picket line
One morning just at nine
And the guards and ginks and company finks
Come a skipping you
The morning dew
They had their clubs and guns
They had their knives and bombs
They stood up as still as if they’s dead
When she jumped up said
When she jumped up said
When the union boys they seen
When the union boys they seen
The pretty little union queen
Stand up and sing in deputies’ face
They laughed and yelled
They laughed and yelled
All over the place
And you know what they done?
These two-gun company thugs
These two-gun company thugs
When they heard this union song
They tucked their tails and run
32. The Boss is having a Terrible Time, Parlez-Vous
The boss is having a terrible time, parlez-vous
The boss is having a terrible time, parlez-vous
Keeping us off the picket line
The boss is having a terrible time, parlez-vous
The boss is having a terrible time, parlez-vous
Keeping us off the picket line
Hinky dinky parlez-vous
The scabs are having a terrible time, parlez-vous
The scabs are having a terrible time, parlez-vous
Getting through the picket line
The scabs are having a terrible time, parlez-vous
Getting through the picket line
Hinky dinky parlez-vous
When a scab dies he goes to hell, parlez-vous
When a scab dies he goes to hell, parlez-vous
The rats and skunks all ring the bell
When a scab dies he goes to hell, parlez-vous
The rats and skunks all ring the bell
Hinky dinky parlez-vous
The workers picket every day, parlez-vous
The workers picket every day, parlez-vous
For shorter hours and higher pay
The workers picket every day, parlez-vous
For shorter hours and higher pay
Hinky dinky parlez-vous
Oh we are going to win this strike, parlez-vous
Oh we are going to win this strike, parlez-vous
We’ll picket all day and we’ll picket all night
Oh we are going to win this strike, parlez-vous
We’ll picket all day and we’ll picket all night
Hinky dinky parlez-vous
The boss is shaking at the knees, parlez-vous
The boss is shaking at the knees, parlez-vous
In his silken B.V.D’s
Hinky dinky parlez-vous
The boss is shaking at the knees, parlez-vous
In his silken B.V.D’s
Hinky dinky parlez-vous
They say it is a terrible war, parlez-vous
They say it is a terrible war, parlez-vous
So what the hell are we fighting it for?
Hinky dinky parlez-vous
They say it is a terrible war, parlez-vous
So what the hell are we fighting it for?
Hinky dinky parlez-vous
33. The Ballad of Harriet Tubman (by Woody Guthrie)
I was five years old in Bucktown Maryland
When into slavery I was sent
I’ll tell you of the beatings and of the fighting
In my ninety-three years I’ve spent
I helped a field hand make a run for freedom
When my fifteenth year was rolling round
And the guard he caught him in a little store
In a little slavery village town
The boss made a grab to catch the field hand
I jumped in and blocked the door
The boss he hit me with a two pound scale iron
And I went black down on the floor
On a bundle of rags in our log cabin
On a bundle of rags in our log cabin
My mother she ministered unto my needs
It was here I swore I’d give my life blood
Just to turn my people free
In ‘44 I married John Tubman
Well I loved him well till ‘49
But he would not come and fight beside me
Well I loved him well till ‘49
But he would not come and fight beside me
So I left him there behind
I left Bucktown with my two brothers
I left Bucktown with my two brothers
But they got scared and run back home
I followed my northern star of freedom
I walked the grass and trees alone
I slept in a barn loft and in a haystack
I slept with my people in slavery shacks
They said I’d die by the bossman’s bullets
But I told them I can’t turn back
The sun was shining in the early morning
But I told them I can’t turn back
The sun was shining in the early morning
When I come to my free state lineI pinched myself
to see if I was dreaming
I just could not believe my eyes
I went back home and I got my parents
I loaded them into a buckboard hag
We crossed six states and other slaves followed
Up to Canada we made our tracks
Up to Canada we made our tracks
One slave got scared and he tried to turn backwards
I pulled my pistol in front of his eyes
I said get up and walk to your freedom
Or by this fireball you will die
When John Brown hit them at Harper’s Ferry
My men was fighting right by his side
When John Brown swung upon his gallows
It was then I hung my head and cried
Give the black man guns and give him powder
To Abe Lincoln this I said
You’ve just crippled that snake of slavery
You’ve just crippled that snake of slavery
We_ve got to fight to kill him dead
When we faced the guns of lightning
And the thunders broke our sleep
After we waded the bloody rainstorms
It was dead men that we reaped
Yes we faced the zigzag lightning
But it was worth the price we paid
When our thunder had rumbled over
We’d laid slavery in it’s grave
We’d laid slavery in it’s grave
Come now and stand around my deathbed
And I will sing some spirit songs
I’m my way to my greater union
Now my ninety-three years are gone.
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