The Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Work-In

This recorded meeting commemorates a remarkable working class victory which offers lessons for today’s labour movement.

Davie Torrace Staff Side Chair, Fairfield Yard, Govan
Mary Senior STUC President
Prof. John Foster, co-author of the book “The politics of the UCS Work-In

The strategy of the shop stewards leading the UCS Work – In (1971/2) succeeded in stopping the government, which was the ultimate owner of the four yards, from orchestrating their closure.
They did so by seeing off attempts by the right wing in the trade union movement to take over the leadership of the workers’ campaign and building a wider regional alliance around the demand for the ‘right to work.
They inflicted a major defeat on the Government of the day, ensured their original demand of keeping the four yards open was met in full, and forced a wider U-Turn in government policy.meeting organised by CLYDEBANK TRADES UNION COUNCIL, supported by People’s Assembly Scotland & Morning Star

There’s More To Building Ships short video by Townsend Theatre about the work-in

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