Trades Union Councils’ Programme of Work 2012-2013

Programme of Work for all trades union councils for 2012-2013 is available here….

This report also lists decisions from the national conference of trades union councils

Summary of actions requested:


Fighting the cuts

Trades union councils are asked to:

 commit to building in their community for the national 

demonstration on 20 October

 work with the campaign themes 

 use and adapt TUC campaign material on employment rights

 regularly check the action for rail website 

 liaise with local elected councillors to have the Fair Pay motion 

introduced in to council debates

 gather and co-ordinate information about the impact of the reforms 

and cuts on local health services in their area

 share information on cuts to  NHS services with unions and  

community groups and on campaign websites 

 Work with the local community to bring pressure on local politicians 

and decision making to defend NHS services

 identify opportunities to highlight the real detriment that the 

introduction of academies and ‘free’ schools can cause to local 

education standards and opportunities

 Provide speakers for regional and local anti-cuts rallies and on union 

recognise strike days

 work with the Peoples’ Charter to promote the  trade union 

movement’s alternative economic and social policies


Campaigning against the far right

Trades union councils are asked to:

 obtain a copy of the Tackling Racism’ workbook 

 contact the TUC regional Education Officer to discuss ways in which 

the trades union councils and its affiliated members can use the 

training given in the book and the services of TUC regional education

 Engage with community campaigners and local residents to ask questions of 

local chain stores about how their produce is supplied. 

 Identify opportunities to publicise the exploitation of farm workers and 

other workers in the food supply chain.  

 Question local authorities and similar organizations about their 

procurement practices


Unemployed workers centres

Trades union councils are asked to:

 become involved with their local UWC 

 encourage affiliated branches to work with local UWC

 contribute regularly, through a standing order or direct debit, to the 

local OFFA scheme

 distribute information to affiliated branches about UWCs and the 

local UWC in particular

 consider the possibilities of establishing a centre in their area if none 

exists – the appointment of a small committee might be of assistance 

in bringing the relevant information and resources together to help 

the council in its discussions


The Green Agenda

Trades union councils are asked to: 

 promote the green agenda with affiliated branches 

 elect a trades union council green officer 

 promote the Green Rep Network in their area

 discuss with TUC regional office links with regional network



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