victimised for Trade Union Activities

local UNISON activist and WB&DTUC delegate Andy Goodall

When management withdrew over-time payments UNISON Nurse Members on Cardiac Integrated Critical Care Unit (ICCU) boycotted the hospital bank system, fighting for their rightful over-time rates negotiated under Agenda For Change. Over 70% of the Cardiac Intensive Care nurses signed a Boycott the Bank petition within just 4 days and it was supported by 100% of nurses which resulted in the retaining of overtime rates.  Employers, the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, never attempted to negotiate with the staff or the local UNISON reps, instead suspending shop steward Andy Goodall on the 31st July 2008.

UNISON has supported its activist and made this clear to the employers.

This attack of trade union organisation affects all workers, public and private in all workplaces.

This Campaign has been supported by the Wolverhampton Trades Union Council who have agreed to help co-ordinate any campaign.

Andy was sacked two days before Xmas and has appealed and this was rejected.

12-2-09 UNISON West Midlands Regional Council unanimously backed a motion in support of Andy, proposed by UNISON Wolverhampton General:


Wolverhampton UNISON Health Steward victimised for Trade Union Activities.

This Region congratulates all UNISON nurses on Wolverhampton’s New Cross hospital’s Cardiac Integrated Critical Care Unit for boycotting the hospital bank system and fighting for their rightful over-time rates, nationally negotiated under Agenda for Change. This boycott developed very quickly when management unilaterally withdrew over-time payments by pinning a hand written note on the coffee room notice board.
This region notes that in response, over 70% of the Cardiac Intensive Care nurses signed a Boycott the Bank petition within just 4 days and that the boycott campaign was supported by 100% of nurses which resulted in the retaining of overtime rates.

This Region is disgusted that the employers, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, never attempted to negotiate with staff or the local UNISON stewards but instead suspended the UNISON steward, Andy Goodall, on 31st July 2008.

In response we are pleased that UNISON has supported its activist and made this clear to the employers.

This attack of trade union organisation affects all workers, public and private in all workplaces.

Region agrees to:

Support the campaign to defend Andy Goodall, which Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Council has agreed to help co-ordinate.


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