WB&DTUC’s 146th AGM (2010)

MINUTES of 146th AGM – 21st January 2010

BROTHERS – Deacon, Turner & Kelleher (UNISON Gen), Rahimi (UNITE), Thomas (Community), Childs (CWU), Juss (GMB), Cole & S.Grant (NUT), Hardacre (ASPECT), J.Grant (UCU), Clarke, Caton, Gillan, Bostock & Death (POA) McElhinney.
SISTERS – Petford (UNITE), Reynolds (GMB), Reynolds-Tyson & Smith (BCUIM), Kelsey (CWU), Taylor (CYWU/UNITE), Pearson & Halfpenny (NUT).
Apologies: Brothers – Marris & Purchase (UNITE), Bechler (ATL), Sis. Sagoo (UNISON Gen).

1. WELCOME – to delegates and visitors and apologies taken. Welcome to Bro. Thomas who is from COMMUNITY 4333 a new branch.

2. MINUTES OF AGM 2009; agreed as correct record; no matters arising.

3. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS – Unelected PM. Investigation into Iraq War. Trades Union Council active in opposing Council cuts. Some excellent anti-fascist work led by Bro. Kelleher. Holocaust Memorial Day 27/01/10.

a) Secretary’s Report is laid out under the headings for this year’s TUC Programme of Work. Branches have had up to 4 reminders to re-affiliate. Attendance has stayed high. A lot of delegates have been involved in work.
Tremendous cuts in Wolverhampton Council, especially attacking vulnerable people. The Secretary is under threat of redundancy. Campaigns involving UNISON and also service users. Another announcement next week regarding jobs, more campaigns.
CWU’s Carphone Warehouse campaign had success.
BNP have been kept out of Council. Will need to campaign again in May election. Wards have been leafleted outside of election. Congratulations to Secretary for his constant hard work. Huge debt of gratitude to Bro.Kelleher from all members.

b) Treasurer – Accounts were presented and in good order. Good revenue from Workers Beer Co. A number of cheques have not been cashed. Some are now out of date.

5. ELECTION results
a) President – Bro. Cole
b) Secretary – Bro. Kelleher
c) Treasurer – Bro. J.Grant
d) Vice President – Sis. Taylor
e) Minutes Secretary – Sis. Halfpenny
f) additional Executive Committee – Bro. Clarke, Bro. Thomas, Sis. Kelsey.
g) Auditor – Bro. Turner
h) no nominations: LGBT TUC observer, Women’s TUC observer, Black workers’ TUC observers
k) Disability TUC observer – Sis. Kelsey
l) West Midlands County Association of Trades Union Councils – Sis. Taylor elected; 3 vacancies.
m) Trades Union Councils Annual Conference – Blackpool – 16th/17th May 2010, no nomination
n) Brian Clarke was elected as representative of WB&DTUC for Wolverhampton City Council Councillors Remuneration Panel.
The unfilled positions will be on next agenda.

CAHILL McELHINNEY, brother of Kevin McElhinney killed on Bloody Sunday.
Subsequently there was a rise in support and membership of the IRA. Saville Report has still not been published. 38 years since it happened. 30th January is the anniversary. All families want justice. Local MP Bro. Marris has been raising this. It cost £200m. Families have had to suffer too long. Website Bloody Sunday Trust with link to Saville enquiry.
Donation to Troops Out movement agreed of £50.

BRIAN CATON – General Secretary Prison Officers’ Association (POA)
General Secretary for 10 years, rough 10 years. He was President of Wakefield Trades Council. President of Justice Group in Europe. Was the Police and Prison Officers Union in 1908 rumblings made about strike. 1917 action against police, who were union officers.
Any racism in Prison Officers would mean they would differentiate between inmates. Prison Officers are in a position to abuse their power. No BNP in Prison Service or racist organisation due to POA pressure.
Action on conditions, over-crowding, which makes it worse for staff.
Offer of Trades Council visit to Birmingham prison. 8 Officers to 300 prisoners. The job is done on behalf of “us”. 86% of prison population have mental health problems. Labour privatised more of Prison Service and Public Sector than Tories. Rights removed in 1993 by Michael Howard. POA have stood up to Government. People don’t get the opportunity to understand prisons. Prison Officers work very hard. High proportion of foreign nationals in prison feeds the BNP; the biggest threat to our society. Make sure prisons stay our prisons.

STEVE GILLAN POA General Secretary elect
Public Services not for Profit campaigns have no got message across; need to continue campaigning. Trade union movement not good at collective support. 6.8 million trade union members now compared to 23 million in the past. Need to be organised to protect and promote. Employers and Government are always one step ahead. PFI doesn’t work, more costly in the long run. Recession used as an excuse to cut terms and conditions and pay.
POA has shareholding and position on Morning Star, only newspaper to support trade unions. Encourage your Union to take seat on Morning Star board. Next 5/10 years not easy for any Public Sector worker. Trade union movement need to waken up or there will be no trade union movement. Big debate needed at TUC regarding Public Services. No cohesive strategy. Delegates Conference to understand our purpose. Prison Service should not have private share holders making money out of it. Stop love affair with privatisation. POA giving WB&DTUC a donation of £500 in new year.

Delegates made further contributions. Petitions’ regarding privatisation of prisons is continuing hierarchal approach to Trade unions doesn’t matter.
Finance Sector has caused problems; there is no reason to therefore cutback on Public Sector.


article supplied by Rob Marris one of our local MPs:
Northern Ireland
The £188 million “Bloody Sunday” Inquiry report is delayed – yet again …


Lord Saville has, yet again, delayed the publication of the report of his Inquiry into the events of ”Bloody Sunday” in Londonderry.  That is a disgrace. 


I almost feel sorry for the judge:  he used to have a good reputation.  That reputation is now in tatters.  It’s easy to see why see why, if one looks at the timetable below, and the £188 million cost (yes, that’s right, almost £200 million for one inquiry … ).


1972, Sunday January 30:

British paratroopers open fire on protesters in the Bogside, in the city of Derry. 

14 people died. 


1998, January:

To encourage the peace process, then Prime Minister Tony Blair sets up the Saville Inquiry.


2000, November:

Lord Saville at last begins to take evidence.  2,500 witness statements, 922 of whom gave oral evidence.



Taking evidence from witnesses effectively ended (3 witnesses gave late evidence).


2010, March 22;

Latest publication deadline announced by Lord Saville. 

He has a history of announcing publication dates, and subsequently saying that he won’t meet them.  So, even now, it is not at all certain that he will meet this one.  Reportedly, his latest excuse is problems with the printers!


What, you may wonder, happened between Tony Blair establishing the Inquiry in January 1998, and the start of the witness hearings almost 3 years later in November 2000? 

So do I.

Lack of resources was clearly not the problem (see below).


What, you my ask, happened between the end of taking witness evidence in 2004, and publication 6 years later in 2010?

So do I.

Lack of resources was clearly not the problem (see below).


How, you may ask, could one Inquiry cost almost £200 million?

So do I.


Equally worrying:  will the families and friends of the 14 dead people have confidence in the outcome of this Inquiry, given the way in which it has been conducted?


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