WB&DTUC Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Thursday 15th January 2004
1. Attendance: Sisters: S Sagoo, P Welch, M Taylor (in the Chair), H Aujla.
Brothers: N Kelleher, P Kalinauekas, R Tinsley, J Grant, G Dodd, B Deacon, P Davis, W Juss, A Goodall, M Singh, SBS Dulai, G Singh, Jim, C Morely.
2. Apologies: Brothers: N Brackenridge, P Goalby, G Baynham, R Marris, D Turner, K Purchase, D Joynson, D Ash
3. Minutes of 2003 Annual General Meeting – Agreed a true & accurate record.
4. Matters Arising -none.
5. Presidential Address – Sis.Taylor noted that our activity had increased dramatically especially with the STW and Palestine groups being set up. She thanked the Secretary for co-ordinating activity and delegates were thanked for their attendance and wished a happy new year.
6. Reports.
a] Secretary. Using part of the TUC grant the annual report was produced in booklet form to use in trade union branch recruitment. Delegates were encouraged to take them away to circulate to branches.
The Secretary spoke to the report highlighting the level of activity and branch affiliation, stating that further affialiations were needed. We need to work with the CATUC to recruit branches in Dudley as their TUC is defunct.
Unemployment has risen and is consistantly higher than the region and nationally. More volunteers are needed for the bar team which raise our money at festivals. Branches were encouraged to circulate the leaflets that are almost ready.
Friction Dynamex and William Cooks disputes are still to be resolved. We need to assess our support for Cooks who are still picketing and continue to camapign against the anti-union laws. Bro.Marris sent a report swaying that lockouts were to be excluded from the new Employment Bill.
The Stop the War group achieved tremendous results during the year and is still functioning. Not enough TUC delegates are involved, next activity March 20th on anniversary of war.
Holaucast Memorial Day is being organised by the anti-racist sub-committee. Br0.Kelleher & Sis Sagoo to gatecrash ther REC substitute meeting next Monday as the TUC has been excluded. Help will be expected for an anti-fascist campaign should need arise during elections.
Bro.Dulai circulate a complaint re last year’s May Day booking at Dunstalll Community Centre – passed to May Day Committee.
A written supplementary report was circulated.
6b] Treasurer. Accounts (not yet audited) were presented and the financial report adopted. Thanks were given to the Treaurer. The balance of the accounts was almost £700 up on last year. Almost £3000 spent on demos but a £2 surplus!
7. Election of Scrutineers – Bro. Deacon elected (Bro. Kelleher takes Chair)
8. Elections.
a] President M Taylor Elected (Sis. Taylor takes Chair)
b] Vice-President no nominations – put on next agenda
c] Secretary N Kelleher Elected
d] Treasurer J Grant Elected
e] Minutes Secretary D Joynson Elected
f] Executive Committee Members: S Sagoo, P Davis, D Ash. Elected 9 vacancies – put on next agenda
g] Auditor: A Turner Elected
h] Lesbian & Gay TUC Observer – Bro. Deacon nominated & agreed.
j] Women`s TUC Observer – P Welch nominated & agreed.
k] Black Workers` TUC Observer – W Juss & P Davis nominated. W Juss elected
l] Disability TUC observer – P Davis nominated & agreed.
m] W.Mids County Association of Trades Councils – 4 delegates. N Kelleher, P Kalinauekas, M Taylor, P Davis nominated & agreed.
n] Trades Union Council Annual Conference delegate – Bro. N Kelleher nominated & agreed.
o] TUCJCC – Jim Cessford nominated & agreed
9. Amendment to Rule 4: ” Contributions: Each affiliated organisation shall contribute an affiliation fee of 8 pence per member per annum payable in advance on or before the 1st January.”
The meeting agreed unanimously to replace “8 pence” with “10 pence”
10. Speaker: Chris Moreley Father of Chapel, National Union of Journalists, Evening Mail, spoke on their campaign against low pay in regional NewsQuest newspapers. Some new journalists earning less than £10k, despite huge profits of up to 35% in the industry. There have been many recognition victories in last few years.
Nearest NewsQuest titles are Stourbridge News, Dudley News & Halesowen News. Need to contact them and offer help. Opposing media sources may pick up media release. NUJ petition circulated. Agreed to put all information on WB&D TUC web site and write to NewsQuest and ask delegates to do same.
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