AGM minutes Jan 2022

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

Annual General Meeting Minutes of Thursday 20th January 2022

  1. Present: Sisters C.Simm PCS(in chair), Dixon & Whyte UNISON City, Welch UCU, Taylor UNITE, D.Weaver UNITE WM/5203, McGarrity UNITE, Hyatt UNITE Community Brothers Vaughan UNISON Staffs, Grant UCU, Martin MU, Kelleher & Oakley Unite WM6150, Deacon, Turner & Cardy UNISON City, B.Simm PCS, Juss GMBx13, Rahimi Unite, Childs CWU, Stoll UNISON, Lowe, Cross UNITE Buses Apologies none
  2. Minutes of 2021 Annual General Meeting & Matters Arising Our campaign to get 100 Great Black Britons in all schools was successful. The £2,500 slavery research project is due to conclude soon.
  3. Bro Simm gave the Presidential Address. UK is 6th wealthiest nation in the world, yet have increasing numbers of foodbanks. 8th highest number of Covid deaths of any nation, despite our population being only 21st highest. Tories acted above their own laws during covid, do as we say not as we do. Lot of money wasted giving Tory friends PPE supply contracts. 100,000 covid infections daily currently yet mass easing of precautions by Tories. Inflation 5% CPI and 7.5% RPI now; wages and benefits not keeping up; fuel bills doubling. Fire and Rehire has been increasingly used by bad employers although there have been many notable union victories in the last year. Shrewsbury 24 campaign was victorious and the pickets were finally exonerated. Fifth year running, national trade union membership has increased.
  4. a] Secretary- Bro Kelleher introduced the discussion of Annual Report & Plan for 2022 report. We had our highest average attendance since the early 1980s increasing the previous high the year before lockdown. However we have done much less public campaigning due maintaining covid safety. HeartUnions week – not going to do public campaign but agreed spend £50 on online recruitment campaign. Unions not opening up fully to public until April at least. Sis Hyatt proposed a vote of thanks for the report, variety of speakers and well organised meetings over the last year. b] Treasurer – annual accounts were presented, still to be audited JG and AT to liaise. £10,602 in account though half allocated to slavery links researcher payment and a future Wodenstock event.
  5. Elections: Secretary’s Supplementary report with nominations circulated. Elected as follows: a] President – Marie Taylor UNITE LE/372 b] Secretary – Nick Kelleher UNITE WM/6150 c] Treasurer – John Grant UCU. f] other members of Executive Committee – Clare Simm PCS, Bob Simm UNISON, Diane Weaver UNITE WM/5203

g] Auditor – Adrian Turner UNISON City of Wolverhampton

h] delegates to Midlands TUC Regional Council – Di Weaver UNITE WM/5203;

Inclusion Committee – Clare Simm PCS;

Pensioners’ Network – Bob Deacon UNISON City of Wolverhampton

I] Trades Union Council Annual Conference delegate – Clare Simm PCS

j] TUCJCC nomination – Nick Kelleher UNITE WM/6150

k] observer elected for Disability TUC conference (if still in time) – Tim Martin MU

  1. urgent delegate reports – Sis Whyte reported on anti-fascist demo in Telford against Tommy Robinson on 29 January. Several delegates to attend. Agreed donate £50 to Hope Not Hate Campaign to investigate Tommy Robinson’s finances after falsely declaring bankrupt after shifting substantial assets, due to owing court costs and £100,000 to a 15 year old Syrian refugee he libelled. – Bro Deacon reported on Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity’s year; biggest demo ever in Queen Square, over £400 raised at garden party; ongoing local government pension scheme divestment campaign; UN Special Raconteur wrote to all LGPS Chairs. LGPS Vice-chair spoke recently at LP meeting.
  2. public meeting at 8pm: speaker: No to Fire & Rehire– Tony Barnsley UNISON Sandwell branch Secretary gave an update of the industrial action at their Leisure Centres and how continued pressure in 2022 will achieve results. Council gives Leisure Trust £3m each year to run the centres. No new 3-year business plan agreed with Trust. Next strike day 28 Jan, delegates to give support.£100 agreed for strike fund. Joint union pay claim planned after just 0.5% offered and sick pay to include covid-related sickness. Fourth council leader since start of dispute. Government likely to intervene in Sandwell Council.

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