April 2001

W’ton, Bilston & District TUC
Secretary’s Report April ’01

2001 Affiliations (so far)
CWU(W.Midlands&Worcs), CYWU, ISTC (Wednesfield No.2), ISTC (Monmore Tubes), ISTC (Hall Palm), GPMU, NASUWT, NATFHE (Bilston), NUT, MSF Craft 13/D, MSF 558, POA, TGWU 5/836, UNISON General, UNISON Health, UNISON Healthcare.
GMB, TGWU 5/748 cheques to follow
Other branch affiliations are overdue so please follow up your own branch since I waste a lot of time doing this over the year, which could be spent campaigning. There are vacancies on the Executive.

The meeting that we co-hosted with the AEEU and MSF branches, Labour, why a 2nd term? went very well except for a poor attendance. It seemed that the meeting had missed out to Who shot Phil Mitchell! Hopefully Ken Barlow won’t get shot on election day.

Enclosed is a letter from the May Day Committee seeking funds for this year’s event. It should have been in the special mailing that you received a few days ago.

My thanks to everyone who has wished me well and offered their support to me after the two recent arson attacks and hate mail that I have sufferred. From some of the information that has been forthcoming it seems possible that the attacks were as a result of having a Searchlight speaker at the AGM, with my address publicised with that info. I would very much appreciate it if delegates and branches who did publicise that meeting or put the posters up on noticeboards as we request, could contact me.

Workers Memorial Day Sat 28th April 10am prompt St Peters Sq. We had 40 people turn up last year so we need to maintain that momentum and with it being a Saturday it should be easier to attend for many people. Details were sent out in the special mailing. Remember to bring wreaths from your branches and be prepared to say a few words on H&S or asbestos if you can. More contributions will be the making of this event.

May 1st Tuesday, 7pm onwards Dunstall Hill Community centre – with no election for another month there are no excuses not to attend this regionally renowned event. It has and still is coming together at the last moment. Publicity has been a bit late due the the recent problems that I have had but it is on its way. It is important that this doesn’t damage the event. Please contact me with offers of help on the night or pre-publicity distribution. If you can circlate flyers, posters or programmes then let me knoe immediately.

APRIL Sat 21st Gujarat Earthquake Appeal street collection 10-4pm Queen Sq.
Sun 22nd Gujarat Earthquake Appeal Mayor’s Civic function details to be confirmed
Sat 28th Workers Memorial Day – morning event W’ton. Likely to precede transport for the TU event in Manchester as part of the Campaign For a Living Wage.
MAY Tues 1st International Workers’ Day 7th annual event evening W’ton
Sat 5th B’ham TUC’s May Day
Mon 7th Chesterfield May Day
16/17/18 November Raise Your Banners festival of political song Sheffield



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