December 2006

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC

1. ATTENDANCE:  Sister Rahimi Brothers: Baynham (Amicus), Kelleher (UNISON), Grant (UCU), Davis (UNISON), Ash (UNISON), Cole (NUT), Marris (TGWU), Rahimi, Rahimi  Apologies: Sis Taylor (CYWU)  Halfpenny (NUT), Ceresa (UNISON), Bro. Juss (GMB), Childs (CWU), Hardacre (Aspect)

2. The minutes of November meeting were agreed as a true record.  MATTERS ARISING:
2.1 Election to inaugural Race Equality Partnership Wolverhampton, Board of Directors (4 years, 4 meetings per year) – Bro.Deacon  declined, Bro.Juss elected
2.2 Need to respond to Cnllr Dass re council’s response to report of fascist graffiti

3. Executive Committee cancelled. Correspondence:
3.1 Amicus 0758 donations £30 for Workers Memorial Day (also £80 May day Committee)    – receipts sent
3.2 Midlands TUC £250 Development Grant towards costs of Oct 28th demo
3.3 2007 affiliations to WB&DTUC; UCU(University), CWU(W.Mids), ASLEF, Community (Hall Palm) – receipts sent
3.4 £20 donation towards Union Party night D. Heath, Walsall TUC
3.5 Bro.Dolan, secretary Community (Hall Palm) –re potential strike first for 26 years
3.6 RMT & TSSA Don’t Privatise East London line campaign – agreed to write to MPs
3.7 Receipt for our £25 donation to Manchester electricians. (FBU sent large donation and delegation this week)
3.9 Campaign for labour party democracy 24 Feb. 07, London. Affiliation £10 agreed
3.10 CATUC AGM election results – Bro Kelleher Chair
3.11 West Mids CND Trident mailing – invite as speaker at AGM, postcards to be distributed
3.12 Rob Marris MP signed EDMs: Race Relations & Minimum wage, White asbestos, Young Workers, Minimum wages and tips in service industry, leader of Tehran bus drivers, Assaults on railway employees, Injury victims of road accidents, Trade Union week & Labour rights in Iraq.
3.13 Rob Marris MP surgery dates – listed on our website
3.14 Rob Marris MP – statistics for 2005/6 workplace accidents. 212 killed at work. – copy to WEA & Midlands TUC
3.15 Birmingham TUC mailing. John McDonnell MP to speak now on 8pm on Thursday 4 January 2007 Rooms 3 & 4 The Council House Colmore Row Birmingham – open meeting
3.16 UAF national conference 17 Feb 07, London
3.17 Voices (Iraq) funding appeal £20 AGREED
3.18 Several telephone enquiries to join a union
3.19 Women Fight Back demo Ipswich 29 Dec
3.20 Sent:
3.21 £33.98 spent on 2 laser toner cartridges (eBay) as requested
3.22 £20 donation to Hazards 2007
3.23 Rob Marris – council’s maximum working temperature agreement in response to his signing of EDM
3.24 Request to answer Redwatch letters to Pat McFadden & Ken Purchase MPs
3.25 Appeal for funds re Oct 28 demo
3.26 to local trade union branches 2007 affiliation reminders (2nd request)
3.27 TUC LGBT Network nomination

4. Reports
a) Secretary –written report circulated.
b) Treasurer- balance reported.
c) Union Xmas Party night – 180+ attended went down well, ticket sales lower then expected. Expected to break even or small surplus. Brought together all council unions
b)  Save the Council Older People’s Homes campaign – report given by UNISON, one home to close, two saved , another  safe for three years.
c)  Rebuilding Trade Union Councils regional conference (18th Nov) – written report spoken to giving recommendations
d)  Anti-BNP campaign discussed. Speak to Roger Lawrence re a conference, will have to be after 27th January. Need to arrange speakers to claim back Holocaust Memorial Day from religious dominance of last year.

5. Any Other Business – Seasonal food & drinks were provided

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