Dudley Trades Union Council have organised a public meeting and debate to discuss this vital question.
The debate will take place on
Tuesday 7th June
7-30pm @ The Lamp Tavern, High Street, Dudley, DY1 1QT
speaking in support of leaving the EU are:
Dave Nellist – former MP and Socialist Party member
Graham Stevenson former President of the European Transport Workers’ Federation and Unite national organiser.
In support of staying in the EU is:
Andrew Lloyd, Midlands Regional Secretary Of The Public And Commercial Services Union.
If you aren’t already on the electoral register, you must register by 7 June if you want to vote in the EU referendum on 23 June.
You don’t need to register again in order to vote in the EU referendum if you live in the UK and both of the following apply:
- you were registered to vote in the May 2016 elections or the 2015 General Election
- you still live at the same address
There will also be a speaker from Britain Stronger In Europe Campaign.
Chairperson of Dudley TUC, Cathy Bayton, said :
‘all are welcome. Please come along and hear the views, ask questions or just listen to the debate and make your own mind up.
Everyone is welcome, but if possible please send confirmation of your attendance to dudleytuc@gmail.com that would be very much appreciated.’
The European Union Referendum Debate is crucial to this country and so you decide should we stay in? Or vote to leave?
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