The Midlands TUC’s Dying to Work Campaign is being taken up nationally. The Dying to Work voluntary Charter now covers around 600,000 workers, with signings constantly taking place across the UK. It is our aim to reach 1 million workers covered by the Charter by the end of 2018.
Training package designed for employers to reflect the principles of the Dying to Work Charter.
The first training day has now been set up for Monday 8th October 2018.
You may want to signpost employers who have signed the Charter to this course as well as those employers who are thinking about signing the Charter. Registration is here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dealing-with-terminal-illness-training-the-dying-to-work-charter-tickets-48686902837
SUCCESS – Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council and Wolverhampton General UNISON branch called on Wolverhampton Council to sign up and incorporate the campaign’s recommendations into it’s employment practice. A report went Cabinet in February 2017 and this was agreed and signed with UNISON and Midlands TUC secretaries Adrian Turner and Lee Barron in April.
TUC ”Dying to Work’ Campaign – Decided at meeting: 07/02/2017 – Cabinet (Resources) Panel
1. That the Council support the TUC “Dying to Work” Campaign and sign the Dying to Work Charter.
2. That the Cabinet Member for Governance, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing and the Managing Director attending a public signing event.
3. That an amendment to the Management of Attendance Procedure to include a specific statement that employees who have sickness absence related to a diagnosed terminal illness would automatically have that absence “exempted” from the management of attendance thresholds be approved.
4. That all employees of the Council be notified of the commitment to the “Dying to Work” Campaign.
The 2010 Equalities Act does offer some protection for terminally ill employees, however, the act still allows employers to dismiss a terminally ill employee if they fail a capability assessment with ‘reasonable adjustments’.
The Dying to Work campaign would like to see terminal illness recognised as a ‘protected characteristic’ so that an employee with a terminal illness would enjoy a ‘protected period’ where they could not be dismissed as a result of their condition.
About the campaign http://www.dyingtowork.co.uk/our-campaign/
Voluntary Charter http://www.dyingtowork.co.uk/voluntary-charter/
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