Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC
Halfpenny (NUT), Kelleher (UNISON), Ceresa (UNISON), Taylor (CYWU), Brackenridge (FBU), Farmer (UNISON), Goalby (FBU), Grant (NATFHE), Deacon (UNISON), Cole (NUT), Ash (UNISON),Tinsley (FBU), Davis (UNISON), Verrall (Oxfam Christian Aid), Fyffe (Trade Justice)
Apologies : Marris(TGWU), Juss(GMB)
3.22 not addressed
4f Holocaust Memorial Day – Oldham problems under correspondence
Executive Committee report. Copies circulated, item 2 E.C rep. D. Cole material aid for Cuba : pencils, pens, medicines.
3.2. level of information on unemployment counts seems to have changed from 5.5% to 3.8% Fig for Wolverhampton above National Average & West Midlands Average. Take matter up next meeting. Nick to write.
3.3. NOR SCARF – Nationally BNP targeting Stoke by election Thursday 3rd March leafleting weekends. BNP standing in Wolverhampton S.W. against Rob Marris. Worries about BNP gaining controls & lack of campaigning
Anti- racist sub-committee meeting proposed.
Compensation for pensioners changing to digital T.V. Rob Marris letter noted.
Working with schools, need volunteers for this. TUC initiative
TUC J.C.C. nomination form currently Dorothy Heath from Walsall. Now receiving regular reports. Support Dorothy Heath moved & seconded.
Churches together – re: city show – international tent – fair trade, Trades Council would be better placed assisting local solidarity groups.
Ken Purchase’s comments re: Heath Town article in Express & Star. Nick Kelleher wrote letter to Ken. Got Hansard back – Heath Town not named.
Oldham TUC secretary arrested at Holocaust Memorial Day service. held in custody for 8 hours. 2 BNP activists try to lay wreath in middle of speech. He laid his on top & BNP claimed criminal damage. Letters of support to Oldham T.C.
Cuba A.G.M. 7 o’clock. 24/2 plus speaker at Holly Bush Penn Road. Donations towards costs needed. Agreed £50 donation. Come along.
ALMO delayed 6 months.
a) Vacant Committee places – for Executive – no nominations. Next meeting Agenda
b) West Midlands County Association of TU. Still one place vacant. Put on next agenda.
a) Secretary – Written report.
b) Treasurer
c) Delegates workplace – none.
d) WM County Assoc. of TUCs – Venezuela motion gone to Regional TUC. Correspondence re: low paid unit missing
Birmingham TUC looking for paid secretary
Walsall TUC – Unison closed down & facility line removed, may be strike action.
e) Midlands TUC AGM 26th February. Bob Deacon written report. TUC LGBT National .History month
4/3 Arena play ‘Gate way to Heaven.
TUC 2 day course on Sexual Orientation & Religion or Belief Regulations. D Cole can circulate information to NUT members.
f) Pensions day of Action 18 February. Rally tomorrow FBU some action, UNISON ballot for strike action.
g) STW National demonstration 19th March – coach from Walsall liaise with Nick Kelleher.
h) TUC disability conference. Venue details will be sent. Make poverty History
Fair Trade 11th March 2005. Open meeting Lea Rd URC 7.30.
Problems in poorer countries due to Dumping, Pressure, Poverty, Hierocracy, Privatisation.
World Trade Organisation in relation to developing country will have many more delegates. Decisions therefore unfair. Issues that trade justice movement do discuss.
Saturday 16th April Trade Justice Day in Wolverhampton. Morning: Market Square, Afternoon: Queen Square. Would welcome participation from Trades Council.
Fair Trade is a way around an evil system.
Trade Justice is a different way of approaching this.
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