March 2005

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC

Sisters:  Halfpenny (NUT),  Taylor (CYWU),  Sagoo(UNISON)
Brothers: Kelleher (UNISON),  Brackenridge (FBU),  Grant (NATFHE), Sahota (UNISON),  Deacon (UNISON),  Cole (NUT),  Marris(TGWU) – arrived towards end of meeting,

Apologies  Juss(GMB),  Ceresa (UNISON), Ash (UNISON),  Turner (UNISON)

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be a true record

3.1 Executive Committee report.  Copies circulated,
1.3.2  D. Cole aid for Cuba: medicines. Still needed to be sent
1.3.9 Letter re Oldham sent to police and to TUC regarding arrest of TUC secretary
1.3.11UNISON are negotiating – council is downgrading people not ALMO, UCATT is not affiliated to WB&D TUC
3.2. Grenada 17 appeal agreed to affiliate for £20 and donate £30
3.3. Low Pat Unit is closing, no campaign from them, due to lack of funding.  TUC to indicate to council that money for LPU could be ring-fenced to set up a centre at Whitmore Reans Centre, Leicester Street. This is where the Indian Workers Association already gives out advice. Discussion with council officers needed re: possible proposals and a way forward.     .
 Questionnaire from a local school re: trade unions was distributed and completed by some
 Black Country Museum – Women Chain Makers – buy a brick campaign.  Possible donations in the future.
 PCS Women’s day petition circulated
 Invitation to Kurdish event 20.3.05
 Reply regarding digital TV switch over will only occur when over 95% have digital TV and analogue will be switched off completely
 Money returned from Unite Against Fascism – £105
 Neena Gill MEP reply concerning EU Israel agreement
 April Delegate meeting with Roger McKenzie – TUC future, structures, rules
 Workers’ Memorial Day 28.4.05 – battling against bureaucracy, usual wreathe laying
 Adverts in May Day programme as soon as possible
 Miami 5 Video show 12 .4.05
 Reimburse Nick for purchase of Norton Anti Virus Software – £28.09
 Workers Beer Company – 6 places Glastonbury, 6 places National Adventure Sports, 12 places Leeds Festival August Bank Holiday Need to know quickly
 Abortion rights campaign AGM 23.04.05

a) Vacant Committee places – for Executive – no nominations.  Next meeting Agenda
b) West Midlands County Association of TU.  Still one place vacant.  Put on next agenda.

a) Secretary – Written report.- more unions still to affiliate
b)  Treasurer – £2000 approximately in funds
c) Anti-fascist sub-committee – BNP contesting 22 constituencies in Midlands, 3 Stoke seats including Newcastle, 9 in Black Country.  Dudley North and West Bromwich W most dangerous.  Centrally organised activity Sunday afternoons.  Help in Stoke needed.  Wombourne problems regarding candidate for Staffordshire County Council.  Searchlight has election Newspaper and we could have a Black Country Edition.  Activities need to be co-ordinated.  Leaflets for groups to distribute e.g. Church, Sikh Community.

d) Delegates workplace – UNISON delegates report that if contracted to work on a public holiday then were not needed they should still be entitled to double pay.  Playgrounds closing for 5 days over Easter so play leaders etc not needed.

e) Pensions strike 23.03.05 Unison and other unions on strike.  Picketing of the Civic Centre – rally co-ordinated by Trades Council.  Solidarity from NUT who will also be balloting for strike action.

f) Midlands TUC 26.02.05 Pensions

g) Stop the War campaign  National Demonstration 19.03.05

h) May Day see previous minute 3.13 Rodney Bickerstaff speaking

i) Workers Memorial Day 28.04.05 see minute 3.12


TUC Women’s’ Conference
Issues – Women and work still not equal pay,
Childcare costs,
Poverty or work till you drop,
Pregnancy and maternity leave,
Raise national minimum wage to £6.00,
Flexible working week,
Bullying at work,
Saharan refugees,
Very few black delegates

West Midlands PSC
CaterKiller Motorcade Protest
Caterpiller owns Turner Power Train TUC to write letter re PSC.  The bulldozers, which are made, are used to destroy Palestinian homes etc and to build apartheid Wall.
7.       AOB  none

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