+ Wolverhampton Strike News
Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC info@wolvestuc.org.uk
next WB&DTUC meeting
Thursday 16th February @7-15pm via zoom speaker @ 8pm
Join Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83579903831?pwd=TmxaRUZaM2xrQVBrZ1RIaGlHMVFwUT09
or phone 0330 088 5830 Meeting ID: 835 7990 3831 Passcode: 306081
all local trade unionists welcome
UNIONS events #HeartUnions week
national UNION Recruitment campaign led by TUC
11 volunteers took part, from ASLEF, CWU, GMB, UNISON, UNITE and LP on
Saturday 11 February – 11am-1pm Wednesfield High Street market stall
Sunday 12 February – 11am-1pm Bilston Market stall
Our ever popular annual activity was a little different this year, instead of the flowers, we gave out hundreds of greetings cards, designed by a member of our trades council, with a join a union message on the back, along with Join a Union leaflet.
We had good discussions with several potential recruits as well as with many local trade unionists from CWU, Community, TSSA, GMB, PCS, UNISON and UNITE.
1st Feb – Pickets and our Protect the Right to Strike march and rally –
We visited various pickets in the morning, then led a march through the city centre into Queen’s Square for the rally. Considered very successful and was covered in local media https://www.expressandstar.com/news/local-hubs/wolverhampton/2023/02/01/hundreds-turn-out-for-rallies-as-public-sector-workers-walkout-in-row-over-funding-and-pay/
500,000 on strike nationally, with 84 Protect the Right to Strike rallies including Wolverhampton.
Wolverhampton STRIKE Calendar:
latest at https://wolvestuc.org.uk/strike-calendar-2023/
February 2023
UCU University staff strike on Thursday 9, Friday 10, Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15, Thursday 16, Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22, Thursday 23 February, Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 February
CWU postal workers on strike Thurs 16 Feb from 12-30pm – Fri 17 @ 12-30pm
March 2023
PCS all membersWed 15 March
NEU teachers will be striking at schools and sixth form colleges in the West Midlands on Wed 1st March, Wed 15 March and Thursday 16 March.
UCU University staff strike on Wednesday 1 March, Thursday 2, Thursday 16 , Friday 17, Monday 20, Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 March
look out for joint rallies that could take place on 16 Feb, 15 March and 16 March
2023 affiliations to Wolverhampton TUC from several branches are still awaited. Form at https://wolvestuc.org.uk/affiliating-to-wolverhampton-tuc-2023/
- Interview with new TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak https://www.lrd.org.uk/free-read/what-are-paul-nowaks-priorities
Protest held in Cannock (4/2/23) against refugees being housed in a hotel nearby. About 250 of them at peak mostly men, many very aggressive; members of Patriotic Alternative neo-nazi group amongst them. Out numbered counter protest.