June 2006

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC

Sisters: Halfpenny (NUT),  Taylor (CYWU)

Brothers:  Kelleher (UNISON),  Grant (NATFHE),  Childs (CWU), Deacon (UNISON),  Davis (UNISON),  Smith (GMB), Davis(UNISON), Hardacre (ASPECT),  Ash (UNISON)      

Apologies –  Marris (TGWU),  Sagoo (UNISON),  Cole (NUT),  Farmer (UNISON),  Ceresa (UNISON)

Introductions were made

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be a true record
 2.2  Letter not written to Pat McFadden re EDMs – He is now a minister! or to the council re FLAG
3.3  Mike Hardacre now on scrutiny panel for Children and Young People
 3.5   Trade Union Courses to go ahead in Wolverhampton.  TUC working through WEA at              Wolverhampton College.  There were problems in Sandwell.  Bob Deacon has had a            discussion with Peter Try (regional education officer).   All the courses are published in a            booklet for whole region 3 times a year.  Need to investigate whether college media course            could design a suitable local leaflet.
  3.6  Secretary to send in response to request from solicitor of Shapol Said of Wolverhampton            Kurdish Association
  3.8   Subscription still to be sent to ‘Solidarity Magazine’ £6.00
  3.12 Ken Purchase still to pay for wreath for Workers Memorial Day
  3.13 Guantanamo Bay speaker not arranged for June instead a discussion on the Trades Council            Conference
  5.     Book given to Dave Cole to present to Brian Carter for speaking on the Education White Paper
6.     CWU dispute – aggrieved person on holiday – waiting return before manager can be investigated. CWU not an affiliate.

3.1 There was no Executive Committee
3.2 Correspondence –
3.2.1  Voice of the Unions renewed £7.60 agreed
 3.2.2   No affiliation to Campaign for Labour Party Democracy
3.2.3   TUC Development grant of £250 received for anti-fascist work
3.2.7   Secretary attended Islam Means Peace Meeting which was not very productive, but      we will keep in touch with developments
3.2.10  NHS demo 15.7.06 more information needed as to whether it is supported by the TU     locally
3.2.12   Report from Birmingham TUC on Iranian Bus workers strike and their May Day –  1,000 police – 250 people!!
3.2.18  Our website down since 1st of June but this is being sorted.
a) No Secretary’s report
b) Treasurer – adequate funds reported
c) Delegates’ Workplace reports Local Government Pensions scheme, slight shift by government.  There may be more industrial action.  How pay had been deducted following the last strike was queried?
      TUC Disabled Conference- 24.5.06 – 25.5.06 brother Davis’ report was discussed
d) Anti- fascist election campaign – need to meet to discuss work we could do re anti BNP campaign.  Correspondence in Ad News discussed.
e) PSC report- At Demonstration 20th May Wolverhampton was the most steadfast delegation concerning the banner!
f)  CSC – 16th July  summer fair 12 Richmond Road ‘a barrel of real ale’  23rd July Cuba Day School Dunstall Hill Community Centre
g)  Rahimi Family Must Stay campaign 16th June Newhampton Arts Centre Dunkeley Street.  Advertised on local radio.

5. Speaker Trades Union Councils’ 2006 Annual Conference – Brother Kelleher
         & Brother Deacon
Discussion on recommendations of circulated report
 There was an interesting discussion on the detailed report presented to the council.  There are 133  Trades Councils in Britain.  Only one motion was submitted.  This needs to be addressed in future  years. We need a timetable for motions. A draft agenda was needed to enable full participation of  delegates in future years.  All the issues raised in the report were endorsed.  The way forward is that  all the concerns should be communicated to Dorothy Heath JCC delegate.

6. RESOLUTIONS non submitted
The meeting closed at 8.45pm





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