March 2012



MINUTES OF Delegate MEETING 15th March2012



Present:  Sis Taylor (CYWU/Unite), Ceresa & Sharkey (UNISON Gen), Parish (TUC)

Bros. J.Grant (UCU), S.Grant (NUT), Kelleher & Deacon (UNISON Gen), Rahimi & Baynham (UNITE 0758M), Childs (CWU)


Apologies:  Bro. Marris (UNITE 5/836), Juss (GMB), Cole (NUT), Thomas (Community), Turner, Everall (UNISON Gen.), Dodd (UNITE 3120M, Bostock (POA), MacMillan (CWU)

Sis Petford & Sebastian (UNITE 0758M), Elson (PCS), Halfpenny (NUT) Kelsey (CWU)



Minutes of February 2012 Agreed a true record

Action points arising

  1. Sis Sharkey, Ceresa, Sebastian, Sis.Taylor’s father & Bro.J.Grant, Auger, Turner all agreed to proof read a chapter of WB&DTUC History 1865-1990







Executive Committee Report –items of note:

  1. 2012 Affiliations receipts sent. UCATT & UNISON Police staff branch are new. ASPECT also received.   Re-Affiliations to be followed up – see Sec Report  Seek new affiliations from:  Unison New Cross, GMB(Springvale), MU, Unite (Bank’s), USDAW
  2. Free Asbestos Awareness seminar 20-3-12 Birmingham
  3. Midlands TUC annual report
  4. Leaflet retrieved from EDL given out in Wolverhampton – copied to W’ton Together. Sis Ceresa had tried to attend breakfast meeting of WT but was unable to find location. Meeting had gone ahead no report next meeting autumn.
  5. Trade Union Friends  of Hope Not Hate £50 affiliation agreed
  6. Demo guidelines for Piazza outside Civic
  7. Nat. Pensioners Convention“Women in Retirement” 24 March

To send

  1. Workers Beer Company money MStar
  2. Secretary to enquire re publication of election candidates for May 3rd
  3. Future speaker? Paul Mackney –


  1. re-affiliations: POBox renewal £200, Venezuela solidarity £30, LRD £42.25, WMCATUC £38.25, WMCND £10
  2.  Midlands TUC Chainmakers’ festival June 9th 2012. Donation/stall £200
  3. £7 domain name registration for 2years




















TUC Annual Conference delegate, Coventry, 12/13th May Sis.Taylor elected






Pension campaign– outcomes of joint union March 12th meeting for March 28th discussed (see separate report). Activity dependant on outcomes of consultations within unions.  NUT surveyed every member 95% reject government 73% in favour of further strike action; but NUT EC rejected strike at this time and will wait to join other education unions. Pension changes still due to come in up on 2015.





Anti-cuts– published public consultation did not relate anti-outsourcing views submitted.  Invite Roger Lawrence to May or June meeting to discuss outsourcing policy, procurement and council tax strategy.

NUT– new OFSTED capability framework will fast-track dismissals Academies will be exempt from parts. So far schools have been forced into Academies and have not chosen to leave the LEA.

UNISON– several hundred equal pay claims have been made offers of around 10% of their true value by council. Wholesale rejections of offers from members. Lowest % offers solicitors have come across. Best recruitment month ever with over 200 joining branch.

Wolverhampton College is to outsource its nursery to Midlands Counties Co-op. Pension rights of workers will not be respected. Not tendered.

WMCATUC – SisTaylor reported a productive meeting with a June seminar planned on Young People in TUs. Bro.Kelleher nominated for TUC Long Service Silver Badge.

Palestine– local meeting on Fri April 20th with Clare Short and launch of Boycott Veolia campaign.

Workers Memorial day– invite UCATT speakers. Send request to Council to lower flags for Workers Memorial Day. Use empty shoes again.

1st May– speakers and entertainment arranged printing ordered draft flyers circulated.

Midlands TUC Sis Taylor attended on behalf of WMCATUC, other delegates from their unions – report to be sent out by email





















Speaker Zoe Parish, TUC discussed the new Wolverhampton SW TUC organisers’ role. 12 months campaigning with TUs and community groups. Anti-cuts, youth unemployment, influencing opinion. Potential help: financial, publicity, phone banks etc





Other business – report of presentation from Wolverhampton Homes on impact of Welfare Reform Act. Under-occupiers will lose some welfare benefit payments. Tens of thousands expected to lose £10-£20/week from 2013. Capping benefits at £26k Will affect some families in Wolverhampton. Monthly benefit payments but weekly rent.





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