Secretary’s Report March 2017
Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC www.wolvestuc.org.uk info@wolvestuc.org.uk
NHS demo – all 27 train tickets were used between WB&DTUC & UNISON General branch, police reported 250,000 on march.
Midlands TUC’s Mary Macarthur lecture on Friday 17 March 7pm
venue change: GMB offices, Will Thorne House, 2 Birmingham Rd, Halesowen B63 3HP
Campaigning journalist Ros Wynne-Jones will be giving the lecture this year. Places must be booked MKesterton@tuc.org.uk
Apply for bar places at Latitude & Glastonbury music festivals working with us by 17th March see www.wolvestuc.org.uk 07538 045376
Midlands TUC Pensioners’ Network next meeting: 22nd March – Speaker on Buses Bill, Election of Executive Committee
Following recent developments a further briefing to keep trades union councils up to date with information on the TUC engagement with the WMCA.
TUC Meeting on the WMCA
Saturday 25th March, 11am
Osborne Room, Unison West Midlands Regional Centre, Livery Street, Birmingham B3 2PA
Abortion is a Workplace Issue (by West Midlands UCU)
Saturday 25 March at 1:30pm Birmingham and Midland Institute
Wolverhampton Workers’ Memorial Day
The theme is good health and safety for all workers whoever they are and will focus on inequalities in occupational health and the role unions play in narrowing the inequalities gap. The TUC will particularly want to focus on the hidden and new “gig economies”, the risks faced by migrant workers and the issues of gender and class.
FRIDAY 28th April
12.30pm @ Workers’ Memorial Day Tree, Cenotaph, St Peters Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1TS
annual May Day celebrations – 125years since first Wolverhampton May day in 1892
Monday 1st May 2017 from 6.45pm @Pegasus, Whitmore Reans WV6 0QQ
Bricklin Delta Blues Band & Tim Martin playing see www.1stmaywolverhampton.org.uk
costs of £1,300 – funds are being sought payable to “Wolverhampton May day Committee”
15 union branches still to re-affiliate to us for 2017 – forms have been sent out to branches again.
SUCCESS – Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council and Wolverhampton General UNISON branch called on Wolverhampton Council to sign up and incorporate the campaign’s recommendations into it’s employment practice. A report went Cabinet in February 2017 and this was agreed.
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