May 2013

Secretary’s Report for MAY 2013  Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC

22nd Wolverhampton Workers’ Memorial Day 28th April 60 attended; several excellent speakers; wreaths were laid by FBU, UNISON General, UNISON University, UCATT, PCS, CWU & WB&DTUC


1st May, festival went well, good turnout.Total cost reduced to £1,150 this year; £960 still to raise

 – donations from trade union branches needed to cover this – please raise at your branch, thank you.

We have sent a begging letter to affiliated branches.

This has been a free community event for 19 years.  


TUC Chainmakers’ Saturday 8th June 11am-5pm

Bearmore Mound Playing Fields, Cradley Heath, B64 6DU

Leaflets available – funds and stewards still required  – we have a stall, so volunteers for half an hour or so each on the stall would be welcome.


Wolverhampton Against the Bedroom Tax

Held at stall at May Day which went well, getting postcards sent to councillors; copy enclosed more can be supplied.


The 68th Annual General Meeting of Britain’s only socialist daily newspaper, Morning Star. WB&DTUC are shareholders of this co-operative:  

Thursday 30th May 7pm @ Carrs Lane Church Centre, Birmingham B4 7SX

TUC General Council has decided that the last two weeks in June will be dedicated trade union ‘campaign weeks’.  The expectation is that there will be concerted action with campaign activity taking place across the country on as many days as possible over this two week period, all under the umbrella theme of ‘austerity uncovered’.

Tolpuddle Martyr`s festival Friday 19th July to Sunday 21st July leaflets available

History of Wolverhampton, Bilston and District Trades Union Council 1865-1990 is now online

National Minimum Wage rates below inflation rises from 1st October 2013: making the NMW worth less

adult hourly rate of the minimum wage increases from £6.19 to £6.31

workers aged 18-20 years will go up from £4.98 to £5.03

16 to 17-year-olds’ rate will rise from £3.68 to £3.72

Apprentice minimum wage rate will go from £2.65 to just £2.68 per hour, up just 3p – all apprentices under the age of 19 and those aged 19 and over in the first 12 months of their apprenticeship.

Agricultural Wages Board has now been abolished by the Tories/Lib dems.


branches affiliated for 2013: 

ASLEF, Community 17000, Community (W’ton Craft), Community Hall Palm, Community (West Midlands), CWU (W’ton),  FBU, GMBx13, NUT, PCS(West Mercia),  POA, Prospect,  RMT, UCATT, UCU College, UCU University, UNISON Acute,  UNISON General, UNISON Police Staff, UNISON University, UNITE (Finance &Legal) 

15 female delegates, 33 male. 13,800 affiliated trade unionists from 21 branches;

last year 28 branches affiliated 18,000 trade unionists with 38 male and 18 female delegates.

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