Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Secretary’s Report
May 2022
Working people have had enough. Everything’s going up but our wages. Join the trade union movement in London to tell this government: we DEMAND better! local coaches see https://www.tuc.org.uk/travel-coach
—————- celebrating the achievements and commitment of women trades unionists and feminists 7pm Tuesday May 24th #Sarah Woolley, General Secretary, Bakers Union #Amy Luesley, Prospect Union Branch Chair #Nikki Pound, TUC National Women’s Officer #Ellie Peers, General Secretary, Writers’ Guild Great Britain #Rachel Daly, Royal Mail CWU Rep, #Sheila Rowbotham historian of feminism & women’s liberation Join Zoom Meeting ID: 838 4034 8732 Passcode: 132950 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83840348732?pwd=MitTYmluVzAzNjFvR1J1cXJ0RnhYQT09 ———————- JOB vacancy Caseworker/Organiser UNISON Wolverhampton – closing date 1st Junehttps://wolvestuc.org.uk/job-vacancy-caseworker-organiser-unison-wolverhampton/ ——————— Workers’ Memorial Day – 45 attended the Wolverhampton TUC event, the biggest in the region. ——————- Wolverhampton RMT Cleaners’ strike Fifth two day strike by Wolverhampton RMT Cleaners at Oxley Depot 14 and 15 May 2022 in their ongoing demand for a pay rise. |
Recording of launch meeting and Q&A session, attended by 37 people, of new research into the historical links of Wolverhampton, Staffordshire and the Black Country with transatlantic enslavement. on https://wolvestuc.org.uk/researcher/ including a link to download the research —————————- Thanks to branches that have so far re-affiliated for 2022: ASLEF, Community, CWU, FBU, GMB, MU, NEU, RMT, UCU Wolverhampton College, UNISON City of Wolverhampton, UNISON University, UNISON Sandwell, UNISON Staffordshire, UNITE WM/6150, UNITE WM/5203 (Ret Mem), UNITE Community, UNITE LE/372 affiliation form at https://wolvestuc.org.uk/affiliating-to-wolverhampton-tuc-2022/ ——————— TUC Women Chainmakers’ Festival of Cradley Heath Sat 2nd July 2022 @ Mary McArthur Gardens, Cradley High Street |