November 2004

WB&D TUC Delegate Meeting MINUTES Thursday 18th November 04

Attendance: Brothers: J Grant, N Kelleher, B Deacon, S Evans, W Juss, P Davis, D Ash, T Lowe, R Tinsley, D Cole (Chair), Sister V Meachin
1. Welcome to new delegates/visitors & Apologies: Brothers: K Purchase, N Brackenridge P Goalby, K Farmer, Sis. S Sagoo, M Taylor

2. Minutes of October delegate meeting agreed correct with following addition:
matters arising:
2.3.21 PSC model letter for MEPs. Sec to write to the two new Labour MEPs.
2.3.1 invite Wm. Cook strikers to AGM – unable to attend AGM but could attend future meeting £50 AGREED for Hardship Fund
2.3.2 Sec written to Bridgewater TUC re their help in gaining CWU affiliation – to write to CWU branch seeking affiliation
2.3.32 Secretary written to welcome Roger McKenzie and offered future invite
2.4e ALMO – ballot 40% turnout 80% in favour. £42million offered after ballot from government, not £287 stated by council. MPs’ opposition to council criticised. UNISON defended their stance. Bro. Davis, whose job is due to be transferred to ALMO (1-4-05) reported that under TUPE there was no long term guarantee of terms and conditions. Pension to remain in Super-Annuation scheme but hours of work to increase.
2.5. Venezuela resolution sent to CATUC but clarification required on term “UNT” in motion – awaiting response still from Bro. Goodall. The threat of a CIA backed coup was reported again as a very real threat and continued support for Venezuelan trade unions was AGREED.

3. November EC meeting was cancelled. Correspondence:
3.1) CATUC re-affiliation request £32.50 AGREED
3.2) W’ton NPC re-affiliation request £6 AGREED
3.3) TU Friends of Palestine re-affiliation request £20 AGREED
3.4) TUC Women’s conference 9-11 March 05 Scarborough – take observer nomination at AGM
3.5) TUC Employment Rights campaign event Walsall Football club 2nd Dec
3.6) TUC appeal for TUs in Iraq £50 donation agreed
3.7) TUC Transgender Rights in the Workplace education Wed 8 Dec 6.30pm B’ham free – details sent out
3.8) TUC report of how TUs improve H&S
3.9) NATFHE (University) 2004 affiliation
3.10) Rob Marris signed EDMs on TU rights in Zimbabwe & TU rights in Iraq. He attended Iraqi free TU meeting. Copy of letter to Foreign Secretary re UK training & military assistance to Colombian armed forces.
3.11) Wolverhampton Race Agency “Moving On” conference Sat 20 Nov
3.12) Palestine Solidarity Campaign mailing
3.13) B’ham TUC minutes & mailing
3.14) Workers Beer Co. invite to server debriefing London, Cardiff or Sheffield
3.15) PCS campaign/strike material
3.16) Fascist letter re Searchlight sent to our PO Box – copy info to Searchlight
3.17) Ken Purchase apologies for meeting
3.18) Newsletters (available at meeting and can be taken away): Justice for Columbia, TU Friends of Palestine, Searchlight, Voice of the Unions, Cuba Si, Unite Against Fascism, TUC Publications, Reclaim Our Rights, Liberty, Voices (Iraq)

3.19) ALMO news release – covered in Morning Star
3.20) Council Leader re Holocaust Memorial Day 2005 – copy letter to Bishop
3.21) Response to email request from refugee
3.22) PSC £25 donation – letter of thanks received
3.23) PPFF £422-10 donation – letter of thanks received
3.24) Post Office £106 PO Box annual renewal
3.25) Request to MPs to sign EDM on Israel’s arrest of Mr Vanunu (at request of WMCND)
3.26) Branch Secretaries – 2005 affiliation & WB&DTUC officer & nomination forms
3.27) TGWU DAF Electricians ET victory congratulations
3.28) May Day Committee organising notes – to WB&DTUC EC for comment
3.29) Bridgewater TUC re Wolverhampton CWU affiliation

4. Reports:
a) Secretary – written report circulated.
b) Treasurer – £1960 in account

c) CYWU national pay dispute – Sis. Taylor not present – latest details are on CYWU website

d) PCS – Fight to Save Civil Service Jobs & Services – Wolverhampton rally on 5th November national strike attended by WB&D TUC delegates and several local union branches were represented. 2 local PCS branches.

e) GMB – Landrover – Bro. Evans reported “Roadmap” changes agreed by workforce, but Ford playing plants off against each other. Not issue of quality, profit or sales – he believed that it was the same situation at Jaguar. Ford parent company linked to US economy. Works Councils route linking up with Volvo unions in Ford group could be worth trying. UK government not supporting industry as other European governments do.

f) GPMU – Europackaging dispute – Bro. Lowe reported that recognition won. 92 redundant, 74 appeals, 65 ET claims, unfair dismissal, sex and race discrimination and failure to consult. Strike called off, new negotiations. Consultation not real. Weaknesses in current TU laws highlighted by company use of agency staff. Government is currently looking into employment law issues. TU Committee re-established, courses and education being run. Use of multi-lingual leaflets, interpreters and involvement of families. Progress expected in January.

g) Midlands TUC – Bro. Kelleher gave report. Motion passed in support of trade union speakers in schools. Smoking at work issues discussed.

h) TUC Pensions Lobby – Bro. Lowe gave report – few young workers involved yet this is likely to be key trade union issue.

i) Palestine group – Bro. Deacon reported group at low ebb – help requested. Next meeting Thursday 6th January, Great Western pub, Sun Street. Discussion of President Arrafat’s death. He was elected in 1996 with 70% of vote and won Nobel Peace Prize. Press reports were largely anti-Palestinian. 9 January elections face great difficulties: assassination of candidates by Israel, E Jerusalem voter registration stopped by Israel, travel restrictions, military occupation. Write to MPs and MEPs to put on political pressure and respect result.

j) Unions For Cuba conference report – Bro. Cole reported on conference. Largest contingent of Cuba trade unionists ever. Almost all British trade unions affiliated to campaign. Reported on massive gains of revolution despite 45 years of illegal US blockade Latest UN vote: 179 for Cuba, 4 against – USA, US Marshall Islands, Palau & Israel. Teacher ratio 20:1 primary, 15:1 secondary, (30:1 UK). Change in education system comes from bottom up. New methods being pioneered. System best in world. Join CSC. Go to Cuba.
Bro. Cole very willing to attend branches to speak on Cuba – has Power Point presentation.

5. Resolutions – none

6.Speaker: TGWU – SAVE JAGUAR IN COVENTRY – written report from Amicus no.7 Coventry. Call for support for demo 27th November. Wolverhampton jobs linked to Coventry plant.

7. Any Other Business – none

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