coaches from Wolverhampton to London Sat 5th November
book your seat from Wolverhampton on PA coach, leaves 8am https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/west-midlands-coach-to-london-peoples-assembly-protest-tickets-442358745917 waged £16.76 unwaged £8.68 inc. booking fee; additional pick-ups: 8.30am Walsall + 9am Birmingham
UNITE members and their families can book free at https://surveys.unitetheunion.org/222292782034959

Speakers include Mick Lynch (RMT), Jeremy Corbyn (MP), Laura Pidcock (PA National Secretary) and many more to be announced.
organised by Birmingham Peoples Assembly https://www.facebook.com/BirminghamPeoplesAssembly/
national page https://thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/
Peoples Assembly demands include:
End the Cost-of-Living Crisis – Cut Profits, Not Wages
Tax Wealth – Fund Social Care & Social Security – End Fuel Poverty
Nationalise Energy, Water, Mail and Rail
End Britain’s Low Pay Crisis
Tories Out
Scrap Anti-Union Laws
End the Housing Crisis – Build Council Homes
End outsourcing and privatisation of NHS & Public Services