Peoples Assembly demo

nhs feb18demo

coaches from Wolverhampton to London Sat 5th November

book your seat from Wolverhampton on PA coach, leaves 8am waged £16.76 unwaged £8.68 inc. booking fee; additional pick-ups: 8.30am Walsall + 9am Birmingham

UNITE members and their families can book free at

Speakers include Mick Lynch (RMT), Jeremy Corbyn (MP), Laura Pidcock (PA National Secretary) and many more to be announced.

organised by Birmingham Peoples Assembly

national page

Peoples Assembly demands include:

End the Cost-of-Living Crisis – Cut Profits, Not Wages

Tax Wealth – Fund Social Care & Social Security – End Fuel Poverty

Nationalise Energy, Water, Mail and Rail

End Britain’s Low Pay Crisis

Tories Out

Scrap Anti-Union Laws

End the Housing Crisis – Build Council Homes

End outsourcing and privatisation of NHS & Public Services