WB&DTUC Minutes of Delegate Meeting Thursday 19th September 02
Sis. M Taylor (Chair)
1. Attendance: Bros. D Joynson, N Kelleher, J Grant, D Ash, R Tinsley, G Baynham, J Eastlow, B Deacon, R Marris, P Goalby, P Davis. Sis. M Taylor, I Dacres, S Sagoo. Observers: Sis H Aujla, Bro. E.Dawson) Apologies: Bros. S Murphy MEP, N Brackenridge, D Turner MP
1a. Election to vacant post of President and for remaining EC places.
No nominations.
2. Minutes of June & July delegate meetings Matters Arising.
Agreed a true and accurate record
June meeting, no matters arising, July Meeting.
4a) Bro. Deacon gave a verbal report re: meeting with mosque. Coach for demo filling up. £100 received from UNISON General £80 from anti-war group.
3.6) Bro. Grant will attend Life long Learning MPDP meetings as and when he can.
4d) Re: Conference on racism and privatisation since Sept 11th. Secretary gave a verbal report, will be traveling by car to anti-BNP leafleting in Stoke-On-Trent on Sept 29th & 13th Oct, contact secretary re: transport.
3. Executive Committee report (12-9-02)
2.3. Workers Memorial Day Tree – proposed new site. Secretary to write to Leader of the Council and MPs.
4. Reports:
a) Secretary, written report provided.
b) NLBD/ISTC. A verbal report was given by Bro. Eastlow and Bro. Marris, a meeting of the Trustees on Monday.
c) UNISON pay claim. Agreed by branch consultation.
d) FBU pay claim. Verbal reports given by Bros. P Goalby & R Tinsley. Secretary to write to Councillors B Ward, H King & T Singh. Mass rally planned for Monday with march through B’ham City Centre.
e) TUC Conference. Verbal report given by Bro. Deacon.
5. Resolutions -None
6. Video – Simon Jones video not shown due to lack of equipment due to council meetings.
7. A.O.B. Bro. Dawson addressed council regarding local agriculture.
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