September 2006

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC

1. ATTENDANCE:  Sisters: Taylor (CYWU) Ceresa (UNISON)  Brothers:  Muir (CYWU), Kelleher (UNISON),  Farmer (UNISON), Juss (GMB), Baynham (Amicus),  Dodd (Amicus), Grant (NATFHE), TL( Amicus),  Hardacre (ASPECT), Cole (NUT),Childs (CWU obs.),Marris (TGWU)

2. The minutes of July meeting were agreed as a true record.  MATTERS ARISING:
2.1 website has reached maximum capacity so 50Gb extra purchased £3.55 until renewal.
2.2 Ken Purchase still to pay £25 for wreath for Workers Memorial Day
2.3 Voice of the Unions £7.60 sent
2.4 Need to get CND anti-Trident postcards
2.5 Swastika graffiti on rail bridge reported to council(June)and Network Rail(July) but still no action. Sec raised with councillor.
2.6 social with Banner Theatre/Rahimi campaign in W’ton – no progress
2.7 ‘Public Services not Private for Profit’ campaign info supplied at meeting Sec to action.

3. September Executive Committee report, matters arising:
Pensions campaign – local unions united in opposition to plans from council to cut costs further by reducing discretionary pension payments. No other West Midlands authority has done this.
Correspondence actioned:
3.1 Midlands TUC – rebuilding Trades Council Movement 18 Nov Leicester delegates Taylor, Kelleher, Hardacre agreed
3.2 Black Country Museum Women’s History conference 14 October – put on website
3.3 W.Mids CATUC Secretary standing down. Next meetings 7 October, 9 Dec.
3.4 TSSA virgin Trains 727 Affiliation – receipt sent
3.5 Re-affiliation agreed: WMCND £5,PSC £24,W’ton CSC £25,Liberty £26
3.6 TUC courses in Wolverhampton –both Stage1 courses now confirmed but Learning rep course likely to be cancelled for lack of numbers
3.7 RMT re National Stewards conference 28 October London – clashes with local NHS demo
3.8 Rob Marris re 107 Australian construction workers being prosecuted for striking – send message of support
3.9 Tameside TUC re sacking of 3 TGWU stewards at Manchester Royal Infirmary send letter of support
4. Reports & discussion:
a) Secretary –written report circulated
b) Treasurer. Balance reported, no money raised this year from Workers Beer Company as no festivals worked for first time in 8 years. Need branches to promote festival bar work for next year.
c) Save the Council Older People’s Homes campaign – Sis Ceresa gave report on UNISON’s campaign. Lively lobby of councillors by over 40 residents, and union members. Branches to be contacted with details of next lobby.
d) Defend the NHS demo Sat 28th October West Park-Civic-Molineux – UNISON Region requested help. Bro Cole & Kelleher  Sis Tay;lor volunteered as stewards. Bring banners.
e) Cuba Solidarity – Bro.Cole reported on a successful dayschool and garden party. Miami 5 public meeting Oct 6th.
f) Anti-fascism – local LP GC agreed anti-BNP campaign reported. Need to arrange meeting with them.
5. Resolution from Amicus 3120M: “That WB&DTUC supports the Amicus & TGWU campaign to Defend British manufacturing.” was passed unanimously. Bro.Dodd spoke about the campaign. Public leafleting to be arranged. UNISON already pledged support. 2% drop in sales already. Campaign will send message to other manufacturers.
6. introduction to the TUC’s UnionLearn DVD was shown. –   The meeting closed at 8.45pm

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