TUC demo against cuts 26 March 2011

 full review of media debate

We told the government they need to change course.

A record 10 coaches went from Wolverhampton! 4 UNISON, 2 UNITE, PCS, NUT/NASUWT/ATL, UCU and ours. On the 2million Stop the War demo there were 5 coaches taken down.

Wolverhampton, Bilston and District Trades Council

Actions from 26 March 2011 – the discussion from the days that followed…
A selection of media pieces from a range of witnesses and pundits

See which MPs have supported the Early Day Motion praising the demo and calling for an alternative. 

Media bias 
GUARDIAN: "Protesters in good spirits as hundreds of thousands march in London"

1. Police put firms on riot alert for TUC anti-cuts march by 250,000 Justin Davenport, Crime Editor 22 March

2. Thousands join cuts protest march – Express and Star 26 March (US LOT!!)

3. Small Groups Smash Up Shops – Morning Star 27 March, Paddy McGuffin

4. What a great day to build on – Morning Star 27 March, Comment

5. Press release: UK Uncut Occupy Tax Dodgers Fortnum and Mason

6. What really happened in Trafalgar Square Posted by Laurie Penny – 27 March

7. Trafalger – sorry this one’s less light hearted – Spineless Liberal 27 March

8. BBC Footage on You Tube from 26 March
At 5:49, you can clearly see a hooded protester show "something" to an
officer before being let through. Only a moment earlier the same officer was freely
wielding his baton against other protesters – John Millington

9. Martin Rowson on the anti-cuts protest's 'hooligan' minority – cartoon 27 March

10. Watch: Occupation of Fortnum & Mason by UKuncut was peaceful by Sunny Hundal March 27, 2011 at 1:02 pm

11. Up to 500,000 protestors attend anti-cuts demo By Alan Jones, PA 26 March

12. Half million on TUC demo 2011 – Socialist Party video

13. Sound Off For Justice at March for the Alternative – music from the march

14. Timelapse London march 26 March – an excellent video record

15. Mark Serwotka video 28 March

16. A letter to the UK Uncutters from the ‘violent minority’ 28 March

And soon to follow, some ideas on what to do next, how to maintain the momentum…
Deep spending cuts damage public services, hit the vulnerable and threaten recovery.

They're dangerous, unfair and unnecessary. But there's an alternative – one that's fair, safe and sustainable:
• A Robin Hood tax on the banks
• Close tax loopholes
• Policies for jobs and green growth

national TUC website re the march

False Economy website with all transport going from around Britain

Coalition of Resistance website     Peoples' Charter website   Anti-Cuts website

TUC leader, Brendan Barber calls for your support

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