full review of media debate
We told the government they need to change course.
A record 10 coaches went from Wolverhampton! 4 UNISON, 2 UNITE, PCS, NUT/NASUWT/ATL, UCU and ours. On the 2million Stop the War demo there were 5 coaches taken down.
Actions from 26 March 2011 – the discussion from the days that followed…
A selection of media pieces from a range of witnesses and pundits
Media bias
GUARDIAN: "Protesters in good spirits as hundreds of thousands march in London"
1. Police put firms on riot alert for TUC anti-cuts march by 250,000 Justin Davenport, Crime Editor 22 March
2. Thousands join cuts protest march – Express and Star 26 March (US LOT!!)
3. Small Groups Smash Up Shops – Morning Star 27 March, Paddy McGuffin
4. What a great day to build on – Morning Star 27 March, Comment
5. Press release: UK Uncut Occupy Tax Dodgers Fortnum and Mason
6. What really happened in Trafalgar Square Posted by Laurie Penny – 27 March
7. Trafalger – sorry this one’s less light hearted – Spineless Liberal 27 March
8. BBC Footage on You Tube from 26 March
At 5:49, you can clearly see a hooded protester show "something" to an
officer before being let through. Only a moment earlier the same officer was freely
wielding his baton against other protesters – John Millington
9. Martin Rowson on the anti-cuts protest's 'hooligan' minority – cartoon 27 March
11. Up to 500,000 protestors attend anti-cuts demo By Alan Jones, PA 26 March
12. Half million on TUC demo 2011 – Socialist Party video
13. Sound Off For Justice at March for the Alternative – music from the march
14. Timelapse London march 26 March – an excellent video record
15. Mark Serwotka video 28 March
16. A letter to the UK Uncutters from the ‘violent minority’ 28 March
They're dangerous, unfair and unnecessary. But there's an alternative – one that's fair, safe and sustainable:
• A Robin Hood tax on the banks
• Close tax loopholes
• Policies for jobs and green growth
national TUC website re the march
False Economy website with all transport going from around Britain
Coalition of Resistance website Peoples' Charter website Anti-Cuts website
TUC leader, Brendan Barber calls for your support
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