2007 council election campaign

results for local election Thursday 3 May 2007

Bushbury South and Low Hill Ward
The results for the local election held in the Bushbury South and Low Hill Ward on Thursday 3 May 2007 are published below.
Result – Labour hold Brewer Jennifer Leigh The Conservative Party candidate 493
Jenkins Ian Clive Liberal Democrat 207
Newman Sandra Mary British National Party 236
O`Neill Peter Edward Labour Party 1186 Majority 693
Ballot papers issued 2128 Electorate 9129 % poll 24%

2006 result: Bushbury South and Low Hill Ward 24% turnout
Dawson Andrew Conservative Party 562
Jenkins Ian Clive Liberal Democrat 364
Sweet Paul David Labour Party 1187
Ballot papers issued 2135

Bushbury North Ward
The results for the local election held in the Bushbury North Ward on Thursday 3 May 2007 are published below.
Result – Conservative hold
Hardacre Michael O. The Labour Party candidate 944
Lindly James Anthony Liberal Democrat 466
Patten Simon Geoffrey British National Party 790
Pugh Leslie Conservative Party 1312 Majority 368
Ballot papers issued 3522 Electorate 9105 poll 39%

2006 result: Bushbury North Ward 37% turnout
Allen Paul Richard Labour Party 1154
Lindly James Anthony Liberal Democrat 569
Patten Neville Anthony Conservative Party 1571
Ballot papers issued 3338

Fallings Park Ward
The results for the local election held in the Fallings Park Ward on Thursday 3 May 2007 are published below.
Result – Labour hold
Birch Stephen John Liberal Democrat 263
Evans Carol Valerie Labour Party 1386 Majority 378
Keirle Hazel Virginia The Conservative Party candidate 1008
Organ Dennis Anthony British National Party 577
Ballot papers issued 3237 Electorate 8999 % poll 36%

2006 result: Fallings Park Ward 35% turnout
Birch Stephen John Liberal Party 496
Bourne Carol Ann Conservative Party 1159
Evans Steven Wayne Labour Party 1488
Ballot papers issued 3164

Tettenhall Wightwick Ward
The results for the local election held in the Tettenhall Wightwick Ward on Thursday 3 May 2007 are published below.
Result – Conservative hold
Bland Philip British National Party 248
Freeman Malcolm David The Labour Party candidate 640
Gray Roger Walter Gordon Liberal Democrat 356
Thompson Wendy E. M. Conservative 2942 Majority 2302
Ballot papers issued 4194 Electorate 9145 45% poll

2006 result: Tettenhall Wightwick Ward 47% turnout
Bennett Philip John Liberal Democrat 527
Khan Muhammad Yaseen Labour Party 588
Wynne Andrew Geoffrey Duffill Conservative Party 3197
Ballot papers issued 4336

Wednesfield South Ward
The results for the local election held in the Wednesfield South Ward on Thursday 3 May 2007 are published below.
Result – Conservative gain
Bourne Carol Ann Conservative 1389 Majority 179
Haddon Steven John British National Party 427
Jenkins Carole Ann Liberal Democrat 210
King Helen Phyllis The Labour Party candidate 1210
Ballot papers issued 3244 Electorate 8695 poll 38%

2006 result: Wednesfield South Ward 38% turnout
Hinde Stuart Charles Green Party 212
Holdcroft Maw Conservative Party 1555
Jenkins Carole Ann Liberal Democrat 262
Kalinauckas Paul Labour Party 1194
Ballot papers issued 3237

Wednesfield North Ward
The results for the local election held in the Wednesfield North Ward on Thursday 3 May 2007 are published below.
Result – Conservative gain
Dodd Irene Independent 513
Jones Dave The Labour Party candidate 1140
Newman Arthur Charles British National Party 844
Quarmby Charlotte Emily Conservative 1327 Majority 187
Ballot papers issued 3730 Electorate 9032 poll 42%

2006 result: Wednesfield North Ward – 44% turnout. 3rd highest numbers (and % turnout) voting in any ward, significantly higher than any other ward in the constituency.
Bourne David Julian Conservative Party 1225
Newman Arthur Charles Independent 563
Organ Dennis Anthony British National Party 1016
Stafford Good Gwendoline Mary Labour Party 1157
Ballot papers issued 3973
WB&DTUC leafleted every home in ward, no other fascists stood in Wolves


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