Working people have had enough. Everything’s going up but our wage #DemandBetter
CWU postal workers, RMT and TSSA railway workers on strike
- Di Weaver Wolverhampton TUC
- John Watson, RMT
- Melissa Heywood, TSSA Midlands executive
- Dave Jones and Andy Morris CWU
- Si Goode ASLEF
- Warinder Juss, GMB national executive
- Clive Gregory, Bishop of Wolverhampton
150 strikers from CWU, RMT and TSSA, plus members of UNISON, UNITE, GMB, UCU and other supporters on Wednesday 14 December, 12noon at the CWU/RMT/TSSA strike rally @CWU picket line: Sun St, Wolverhampton WV1 1AA, organised by Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council in conjunction with TUC Midlands.
Cutting costs, keeping the heating off, and doing without essentials: the cost-of-living crisis is already stretching people to the limit.
Sam Tarry had an emergency in his constituency to deal with and Lee Barron and Steve Blower also gave apologies due to illness.
TUC’s We #DemandBetter campaign
Messages of support:
Messages of support received:
Mick Lynch RMT General Secretary rail workers’ union: “RMT stands with all workers fighting in defence of decent pay and conditions in Wolverhampton. We have to recognise that unless we fight on behalf of workers and their families, we are all condemned to poverty. Nobody else is going to do it for us, we have to do it ourselves and we can win.”
Mick Whelan General Secretary ASLEF: “Good afternoon colleagues and friends, I wish I could be with you in Wolverhampton today. You know for over 10 years I was the officer for the Midlands. You supported rail workers, and workers are standing together in all our communities for a better future, fighting the cost of living crisis. I believe that when every worker wins we all win. Good luck today, hope your rally goes well, keep fighting.”
Sam Tarry MP: “Solidarity with all workers in dispute in Wolverhampton. I want you to know, there are many of us in the Labour Party who will always stand with workers and never flinch from doing so, whatever the consequences because your struggle is our struggle. So huge thank you to Wolverhampton TUC for their tireless support, and as always never cross a picket line.”
Ian Hodson President BFAWU, the Bakers’ and Food workers’ union: “Now more than ever, we need to come together as people, as a union movement, to deliver for our class, the decent life we are all entitled to. That means the right to great working conditions and a wage we can live on, not just survive on. When we stand together we are an unstoppable force. Sending solidarity on 14th December to the CWU, RMT and all those workers taking action in Wolverhampton and across the country fighting for a better life for us all.”
Jo Grady UCU general secretary, University union: “Sending solidarity to all striking workers in Wolverhampton this winter. Thanks to the Wolverhampton TUC for organising the rally on 14th of December. UCU will be there with you supporting every worker on a picket and everyone fighting for services in our communities.”
Jo Rollin, co-founder of Orgreave Truth and Justice campaign: “The Orgreave Truth and Justice campaign sends it’s full solidarity to striking workers in Wolverhampton. Just like the heroic struggles of the 1980s, there are no politicians coming to save us. The working class have the power to change things for ourselves.”
Fri 14 Oct 2022 – in 45min at Wolverhampton train station, Wolverhampton TUC volunteers from UNISON City of Wolverhampton, UNITE WM6150, UNITE Community and Unite Retired members handed out 1,000 of the TUC’s leaflet, listing key demands of the trade union movement and promoting the lobby of Parliament on Nov 2nd 2022:
It was part of a national initiative of the TUC through its online campaign tool Megaphone. Similar actions took place in over 60 stations around Britain.