WB&D TUC Secretary’s Report for APRIL 2024
Wolverhampton Workers’ Memorial Day – Sunday 28th April 12.30pm at the Workers’ Memorial Day Tree, Cenotaph, St Peters Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1TS ~ all welcome https://wolvestuc.org.uk/wmday/ we will be serving sandwiches upstairs in the Lych Gates after so come along to meet the zoom faces.
How safe is your workplace? In the week leading up to Workers’ Memorial Day, the TUC is asking union safety reps, or reps who are responsible for health and safety as part of their role to carry out a building safety inspection.
Between Monday 22 and Sunday 29 April, union safety reps across the country will all inspect together. PLEDGE TO TAKE PART
*Delegates supported the ASLEF picket line on 5th April*
Request to branches from the Wolverhampton May Day Committee:
help needed with leafleting of 4,000 homes in Whitmore Reans with 1st May flyers, one hour sessions, meet:
Saturday 13 April 10-30am car park Gill’s WV6 0QQ
Sunday 14 April 10-30am car park Gill’s WV6 0QQ
Saturday 20 April 10-30am car park Gill’s WV6 0QQ
Sunday 21 April 10-30am car park Gill’s WV6 0QQ
Saturday 27 April 10-30am car park Gill’s WV6 0QQ if required
contact for each session is Nick 07538 045376
Let us know too if you can distribute flyers within your union
It is 30 years now since we starting holding Workers’ Day celebration on 1st May each year. We are seeking donations to fund this year’s event. £1,275 of this year’s £1,750 budget raised so far from UNITE WM6150, CWU, ASLEF and UNITE W.Mids
We’re in need of someone to be the bouncy castle supervisor – it’s outside from 6-45pm to 8-30pm or earlier depending on weather and number of kids. Just to stop them getting on with shoes, never been any problems. We can pay too
2024 affiliations to Wolverhampton TUC so far received from ASLEF, CWU, FBU, Musicians Union, RMT, UCU University, UNISON City of Wolverhampton, UNISON Staffordshire, UNISON Sandwell, UNITE WM/6150, UNITE WM515 Community, UNITE LE/372
from 1st April 2024 the adult rate from the age of 21of the National Minimum Wage years is £11.44/hr https://wolvestuc.org.uk/national-minimum-wage-rates-increase/
Recordings of the speakers from last meeting are here https://wolvestuc.org.uk/jallianwala-bagh-massacre/ we urge branches to affiliate to the campaign