LibDem Con coalition collapses

The Labour Party is now back in control of Wolverhampton council. In December's council meeting Labour won back control after Lib Dem councillor Claire Darke voted with Labour, the largest group on the council. Roger Lawrence is council leader and Steve Evans is the lead on social services.

previously….. The ruling LibDem Con coalition of Wolverhampton City Council is in turmoil after a Lib Dem councillor said she that after her party lost 92% of their vote in 2 months at the recent Bilston North by-election, she could no longer go along with keeping the Tory party in power. In the September council meeting, Labour won all its motions including the re-instatement of the popular Hickman Park annual 5th November bonfire and fireworks in Bilston which was cut by the coalition last year. However Meals-on-Wheels charges still  rose by a further £1 to £4.40 on 1st October, further hitting the elderly and vulnerable of the city. An amazing 83% rise THIS YEAR, which has already resulted in people cancelling or even sharing meals which they can no longer afford. Living off sandwiches or going without meals and the loss of contact with care staff puts the vulnerable at even more risk to their heath and happiness.

The Bilston North by-election last July left 25 Tories and 5 LibDems who with the casting vote of the LibDim Mayor hung on to power of the city; by over-ruling the opposition to the massive cuts from the equal number of 30 Labour councillors.

Park ward Councillor Darke, cabinet member for schools said: “It is not only politically wrong, but morally wrong, to keep in power a coalition rejected by the majority of the electorate in Wolverhampton. The by-election in Bilston in July meant that Labour now has the electorate’s support.”

Tory leader Councillor Neville Patten said today: “This has come as a surprise. I don’t know where we go from here.” [Back under the nasty stone you crawled out from under?]

Read more:

Read Labour Leader Cnllr Roger Lawrence's response:

Read Cnllr Steve Evans's investigation into day care charges

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