Useful publications and contacts to help with the programme of work
All Pain No Gain – the case against cuts
The Union Effect – economic and social benefits of trade unions in the UK
Touchstone booklets: Capital gains tax should increase to help close deficit and end tax dodging The Red Tape Delusion: Why deregulation won’t solve the jobs crisis The Road to Recovery: How effective unions can help rebuild the economy
Touchstone Blog – for latest information on the economy and ‘Cuts Watch’ and „Mapping the Jobs Crisis‟
Go Green at Work – handbook for union representatives
GreenWorks -TUC GreenWorkplaces Project Report 2008–10 The above are available from TUC Publications through the TUC website or by writing to TUC Publications at Congress House or emailing . Most are available for free download on the web though hard copies may be priced.
Contacts The TUC Information Services Team is there to support trades union councils with information and contact details about the issues raised in this programme of work and across the full range of trade union activity. Email or telephone 020 7467 1262. The TUC has produced a short guide on negotiating for race equality at work to help trade union stewards and activists. The guide explores a selection of issues relevant to black workers to help familiarise trade unionists with the some of the most commonly occurring concerns, many of which have been dealt with through legal proceedings. There are also checklists that provide a starting point to enable activists to start developing bargaining goals.
This webpage will give you information about the various LGBT networks in the union movement or you can contact TUC policy officer Peter Purton, responsible for LGBT and Disability rights issues, at .
Trades councils may wish to start preparing for LGBT History Month in February 2011. Go to for all the information you‟ll need and for news of preparation events for next year.
Other Contacts:
National Assembly Against Racism NAAR, 28 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LS. Tel 020 7247 9907 email
Unite Against Fascism PO Box 36871, London WC1X 9XT Tel 020 7801 2782. email only through web site
Searchlight / HopenotHate PO Box 1576, Ilford IG5 0NG Tel: 020 7681 8660 email only through the website
Friends of the Earth 26-28 Underwood Street, LONDON N1 7JQ 020 7490 1555 email only through the web site and will be quicker for a response.
The above publications and contact details are limited. For a broad range of left wing publications go to Bookmarx
Many unions produce guidance for the issues raised in this document. Trades union councils should check with affiliated unions to see if they have publications relevant and useful to their work. Start maintaining your own contact network. The TUC would be interested in any that you found useful in helping with this programme of work –
Trades Union Congress Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS contact:Tom Mellish 020 7467 1380 © 2010 Trades Union Congress For more copies of this title contact our ordering point on 020 7467 1294 or Bulk discounts may be offered. All TUC publications may be made available for dyslexic or visually impaired readers, on request, in an agreed electronic format or in accessible formats such as Braille, audiotape and large print, at no extra cost.
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